No disrespect intended, I am not a jehovahs witness as i'm sure you will come to see. I just have a few questions and comment.
Why don't you celebrate, there are somethings that are rather pointless to celebrate like martain luther kings birthday his birthday is not inportant to anyone who is still living. Celebrating does not mean that you are idolizing someone or something. You are not put that thing or person over god you are just showing your respect to that person or thing for a moment.
The samething with voting and politics you should vote it what makes this coutry what it is. Not everything in this country is bad there are many good things about this country. For instants since this about religion, we have freedom of religion. With out that you and myself would probably have been jailed and/or hung a long time ago. by voting you could support the person who has similar beliefs and ideas. Now theres politics you should get involved if you think that all politicians are courupt than you should become one and give people a good, decent honest person to support.
And just like the celebration thing this does not have to be about putting people above god. One last thing I have seen many things that put all of the responsability of "bad" or "evil" things on the devil and "good" thing on god if that were the case then wouldn't god ultimatly be responsable for the creation of both good and bad. The devil did not creat himself god did and i'm not sure you would probably know more about this than I would but if god gave him free will like he did with humans, than with the creation of free will god would have had to creat both good and evil. This would actually set up everyone up for failure.
I know i said thatwas going to be the last thing sorry I have one more. If there is already a set number of people going to heaven where is my insentive to do good? As I said before I do not mean any type of disrespect I'm just trying to get a better understanding of what you believe and why. My step-mother is a jehovahs witness and sometimes it makes it hard to understand her. So I thought I would see if I could get anouther persons view. Thank you
(edited to make it more readable..............I didn't change the text) Mulan