How to make an Awake magazine

by truthseeker 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Find one really bad, depressing issue in the world

    Take this negative news item and blow it out of proportion

    Make it seem like there's no hope (true in some instances)

    Direct attention to God's Kingdom

    Cajole the reader into talking to Jehovah's Witnesses to learn more about this Kingdom

    And on and on it goes, every 2 weeks, its the same style, same repetition. It never changes. They do publish nature articles, why do people never see uplifting or non-depressing topics on the cover of an Awake?


    Starving children

    When stealing will be no more

    When guns will be no more


    Have these people nothing GOOD to write about?

    And they call this magazine "good news"?

  • kaykay_mp

    don't they still talk about strange animals and recipes for international cuisine in the Awake?

    It's been 8 years since I left. Maybe I need to get over my disgust for the Dub Pubs and get with the program..



  • kaykay_mp

    oh, you just said nature articles. oops



  • BluesBrother

    When I used to do "Magazine work" I often said the same. How do you interest somebody in a problem when they want to read about good things ?

    Sometimes the householder would get the wrong idea. I remember another lad and I getting turned away after he had offered a mag with an atomic bomb mushroom cloud on the cover . The man thought we were CND ( thats Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in the UK ) political and very 'left'

    On another occasion the title said something about "Homosexual Clergy " , the man I spoke to threw me out, I guess he thought I was one of them .

  • mkr32208
    On another occasion the title said something about "Homosexual Clergy " , the man I spoke to threw me out, I guess he thought I was one of them .

    Were you?

  • freedom96

    As lame as the Awake is, I would rather read it than the boring as hell Watchtower.

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    You forgot one step... gloss over the fact that God's Kingdom will solve this problem by wiping out 99.999% of the earth's population... No Apologies

  • MungoBaobab
    You forgot one step... gloss over the fact that God's Kingdom will solve this problem by wiping out 99.999% of the earth's population... No Apologies

    "Without apologies" is more like it.

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