Happy Festivus!!!

by funkyderek 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • funkyderek

    A Festivus for the rest of us!

    The Festivus celebration includes three major components:

    • The Festivus Pole: During Festivus, an unadorned aluminum pole is displayed, apparently in opposition to the commercialization of decorated Christmas trees, and because the holiday's creator, Frank Costanza, "find[s] tinsel distracting." Local customs have changed and you may be able to decorate your pole with non-threatening plain decorations.
    • The Airing of Grievances: At the Festivus dinner, a participant tells friends and family all of the instances where they disappointed him or her that year.
    • The Feats of Strength: The head of the family tests his or her strength against one participant of the head's choosing. Festivus is not considered over until the head of the family has been pinned. A participant is allowed to decline to attempt to pin the head of the family only if they have something better to do instead.

    See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Festivus and http://www.karber.net/seinfeld/festivus/default.htm

  • Joyzabel

    Happy Festivus, Derrek!

    I want to take the religious nonsense out of xmas and just have a winter celebration. That way, religion won't be a dividing factor in the celebrations. So whether Jewish, Hindu, Islamic, Budist, Christian or whatever have a happy winter "insert name of your liking".

  • FMZ

    Joy, and a very happy Christmahannukwanzaka to you too


  • Joyzabel


  • seeitallclearlynow

    Well, it's hard to beat Seinfeld, that's for sure. And those Costanzas are hilarious! Well the dad anyway....

    So thanks for the flash from the past on that great show! And Happy Festivus or Whateverholidayyouchoose to you too Funkyderek!

  • Elsewhere

    Happy Festivus!!!

    *** Grabs Funkyderek in a head lock ***

  • wednesday

    lol i jlove seinfeld,

    happy festivus

  • heathen

    As a resident christmas hater I'm all for the festivus thing only if it doesn't include pagan rituals . That was one of my favorite episodes of seinfeld . It's festivus for the rest of us . LOL

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