Did you ever notice the repeated emphasis on the 'proof' that Jw's were God's chosen people, due to the depth of persecution by the 'Devil's hoards'?
I never did see it - in 30 years I never saw it - I always wondered how the organization could, with any journalistic dignity - print articles that used the persecution of Jw's in Nazi germany as such proof, while ignoring the death of 6,000,000 jews!
Some historians believe that perhaps 1500 or 2000 of Jehovah's witnesses died in the concentration camps. While not mimimizing those deaths - did it ever occur to the witness organization that perhaps the most persecuted group in the 20th century was the Jews? Even the homosexual community probably had more persons killed than Jw's did in Hitlers' camps! Or perhaps other minority religions, or blacks!
What epitome of arrogance does it take to ignore the suffering of millions, while exalting the suffering of a few in comparison. How would that prove that Jw's were Jesus followers?
Just My Opinion - any others?