THE xmass thread

by jwbot 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwbot

    Merry Xmass everyone! Has anyone gotten presents yet? What did you yet? What did you give?

    Mike and I were happy to get a really nice digital camera for his mother. She got us a bunch of stuff too. And of course, Mike and I spent way more $$ than we should have on each other...

    The above pictures I took. I love our tree. :)

  • Fleur

    oooooooooo what a gorgeous tree!

    I got some surprise presents from friends already...including a great down throw and slipper set that is heavenly! I am really not expecting much for myself this holiday cause I got a trip as an early present in November. But I did it up big for our child as usual and I think hubby will be really happy too. He's been a very good boy this year :)

    Happy Holidays everyone!!! You are all in my heart as I count my blessings this year.


  • bem

    Your pictures are absolutely Gorgeous!! thanks for sharing them. My daughter wants to decorate her tree differently then she has it this year. her first ever to decorate herself and our families first in 14 years. She's got to see yours for ideas.

    Merry christmas to you.

    Thanks again, Dorothy

  • harleyquinn

    jwbot..that first picture looks like a greeting card...soooo beautiful!!!

    as for gifts, i got hubby some cds and a drum-playing robot (he plays drums and loves robots)...he got me batman car mats, a batman watch, and we both got our ourselves a little pool table/air hockey thingy...i got lots of chocolates and popcorn and hello kitty gifts from work and hubby got a professional set of poker chips and some monogramed dice from my sister...tomorrow we're heading up to santa barbara to see my best friend and her family to spend xmas day with them...nice to have a family to spend it with, as hubby's is in CT.

    happy happy and merry merry, everyone!!

  • frenchbabyface

    wow your tree is beautifull !!! ... it reminds me Christmas in Belgium

    Merry Christmas JWBOT !!!

  • Fleur
    and hello kitty gifts

    oh, HQ, you lucky girl! I LOVE Hello Kitty! I hope Santa brings me something HK this Christmas!

    My dear hubby already got one of his biggest wishes...the red sox just re-signed Varitek for 4 more years. Merry Christmas! LOL



  • Tigerman

    What a beautiful tree!

    And have a very Merry Christmas!

  • GentlyFeral

    Pretty, pretty tree, jwbot!

    My family and I are skipping Christmas entirely this year -- and it's the happiest Christmas I've had since I unjaydubbed. Go figure - but for the first time in nine years, no effort wasted on talking my reluctant family into celebrating with me, no leftover guilt pangs about "materialism," no pouting about having so few people to celebrate with. Just luxuriating in the extra day off, enjoying the clear, sunny weather, and looking forward to a little herb and more sex.

    And realizing that...

    Well, since Christmas is about the joys of family life, every day really is Christmas at our house.

    Merry Life-as-Usual,

    gently feral

  • jwbot

    Glad you had a great un-christmas-christmas Gently! Thats all its about, family (and more sex?)!

    Now today I am excersizing off the weight I gained, and perhaps going to spend my gift certificates!!!

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