I was just wondering if someone can be df'd for celebrating x-mas with their worldly husband's family? I thought that I had successfully faded away but it was found out that I went with my husband to his family's home to celebrate. Being that it was his wish for me to be there and he is "head" of the family, do you all think that I will be brought in before a committee after three years away? I was just wondering if that had happened to anyone. Just curious what to expect here in the next couple of weeks (ugh!). Not that I would agree to meet if they wanted to,, Any input would be appreciated.
Df'd for celebrating with worldly husband?
by dawn27 7 Replies latest jw friends
It would be a bit more than hypocriticle if they dissd for that since most JW women are allowed to cook the turkeys and stay in a house with trimmings etc If your hubby wanted the party at his house then that would be ok too. That said, they do manage to have to opposing thoughts running on a lot of thier organisational policies so dont be surprised if they show up saying "Its ok to have the party at you're house but its a huge sin to go to theirs"...durr
I don't think so.
I've seen bad behavior (business and/or with tenants)by a JW woman, and she said it was her husbands wish that she
act this way in business
There was a Questions From Readers article in the December 15, 2001 Watchtower on this.
Basically, if you are married to an Unbeliever?, there is supposed to be a fair bit of leeway given to the JW wife. If your husband requests that you purchase gifts and wrapping paper and cards, or prepare a special meal, or visit with relatives for the holidays, you aren't supposed to Stumble? Worldly People? by making JWs look like unreasonable fanatics by refusing to socialize or enjoy their company. On the other hand, you still are supposed to draw a line in the sand regarding Acts of False Worship? associated with Religious Holidays?.
It amounts to hair-splitting, if you ask me, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least that some Elders? would ignore the direction of the bOrg in order to slap around someone who is Inactive?.
Why else would they show up out of the blue for a visit in the third week of December?
Love, Scully
As the wife of an unbelieving mate, you are supposed to follow his headship unless it conflicts with God's law (aka the JW rules). You are apparently supposed to vote if he says so, albeit you are to go into the privacy of the ballot box and null your ballot. You are to follow his request and attend holiday meals, although I believe you are supposed to request from him that you not attend. So, if they ask, you should say that you did your part and ask to be excused but he told you that you had to attend.
I doubt if they would take any action, especially if your husband has never been a Witness.
If you did, you could always use the Biblical example of Naaman. Naaman was a non-israelite who was cured of his leprosy by Elijah. He becomes a worshipper of the LORD but has a problem. The following is an extract from the account in 2 Kings 5;
said Naaman, "please let me, your servant, be given as much earth as a pair of mules can carry, for your servant will never again make burnt offerings and sacrifices to any other god but the LORD . 18 But may the LORD forgive your servant for this one thing: When my master enters the temple of Rimmon to bow down and he is leaning on my arm and I bow there also-when I bow down in the temple of Rimmon, may the LORD forgive your servant for this."
19 "Go in peace," Elisha said.
The problem with the Witnesses is they judge people rather than trying to understand them and their individual circumstances.
Dawn, don't lose any sleep over it. You are under the 'headship' of your husband not the org. Discard any guilt feelings you may have.
Scully; that was funny?
I think they can't do a thing, no matter what little 'Kristalnacht' fantasies they might have.
Just tell them what a good little obedient wife you are, trying to 'win him without a word'.
Then go home and laugh at the fools whilst you order your man to rub your feet.