We watched this last night. It was a two-hour long program. It talked about how people of every generation have felt that they lived in special times. It showed lots of different religions that believe that Armageddon is coming very soon and that true believers will be in paradise. It mentioned Jimmy Jones and David Koresh. Finally, they talked about William Miller and his failed prediction in 1843 and how people even sold their homes and possessions believing that the end was coming on a certain day. It continued briefly with the Adventists, but Jehovah's Witnesses were never mentioned. I couldn't believe it. If you believe the Watchtower, we are the only ones proclaiming the end of the system--very soon.
"Countdown to Armageddon" - History Channel
by Bonnie_Clyde 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Next Airing: Thu Dec 30, 2004 9:00 PM
I'll try and watch this one together with my JW wife. Sounds like a good one.
MY parents are going ape about this and holding it as holy as the videos from the WTS proper. They have watched every repeat showing. It actually smaked them in the face, but they did not notice. THey were looking are all these christians preaching about armageddon. The same exact preaching JWs do. They felt warm reunited with other denominations of christianity. But note the wts say now days basically the only thing christians are doing wrong in general is they are not preaching about armageddon happening soon.
In scale I would assume there are more non jws preaching the end than jws as my parents noted. So Using the main argument of the watchtower that means that there is nothing wrong with a large protion of christianity and even non christians religions becaus they are doing Jehovah's will annoucing the last days. it is like that stone s cry out passage. Well Watchtower if you own a tv the stones are screaming, but since you need cable or DTV and you guys discourage those services you probally would not know. BTW there was a recent article that implied the end did not come because jws were mediocre or not being a good enought people as a whole. -
No mention of Jehovah's Witnesses?
BTW there was a recent article that implied the end did not come because jws were mediocre or not being a good enought people as a whole.
Anyone have any more details on this ??
JGnat posted it.
It continued briefly with the Adventists, but Jehovah's Witnesses were never mentioned. I couldn't believe it.
This happens all the time. Last year there was a Time or Newsweek, I forget which, with a cover article on the "end times" and every religious nut in the country was named or quoted, except for... you guessed it! The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has apparently escaped the world's radar. And this despite their claim of billions of hours of preaching the end of this system annually, and the alleged placement of millions of books and magazines describing Armageddon.
There's a huge disconnect here.
The dubs think they are a theatrical spectacle to all the world because they are warning people about the end coming, but in fact almost no one associates them with that message. Ask any "wordly" person what JWs represent and they'll talk about not celebrating Christmas and birthdays and refusing blood transfusions. The average person HAS NO IDEA what the dubs stand for or what their door-to-door message is!
This is another of those things that made many of us wonder if we were barking up the wrong tree as dubs, and we were.
You're right. Their silly rules were all I knew about them while growing up. And I certainly never gave them a 2nd thought beyond that. Just a small group of kooks. Even when I was dating one I happened to see their paradise on earth book and the title didn't strike me as anything religiously unique. I heard talk about living on earth during the millenium within my own religious upbringing.
Has anyone watched poltergiest 2-the one with evil reverend kane.that reminds me of this thread.