Canopy Stuff for YK

by Country Joe 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • Country Joe
    Country Joe


    You Know said in a post with AlanF a while back,
    "Since the creation came about by the same word of God that called the canopy into existence, we can rightly assume that the heavenly ocean, or canopy, also behaved under the current laws of physics, just as the rest of creation."

    I thought that was an interesting statement and thought maybe YK could explain a few things about it.

    For example:
    I would think that in order to cover the Earth to the height of the highest mountain from current sea level, this "heavenly ocean" would be GREATER than the current volume of water. As the regular ocean is pretty shallow in a lot of places, maybe even twice as much water would be needed.
    Be a good question to ask the Ocean Guys.
    OK! So we got a lot of water somewhere above earth.
    Well, if this heavenly ocean "behaved under current laws of physics" I reckon it would have to be located in Outer Space. Right?
    The only other choice would be in the atmosphere somewhere and if all that water was going to precipitate as rain over 40 days and nights, it would also have to be below freezing. Yes?
    I would think that "current laws of physics" wouldn't allow for that seeing as how GRAVITY might be one of them there "current laws". Ya Think?
    OK! So assuming all that heavenly ocean water is in space floating around, How would enough light penetrate to the earth, so all them other Creation type objects like plants, trees, animals, bugs, Folks etc. etc.,can survive?
    Not to mention the lack of heat.
    In other words, Nude Beaches will have to wait till later when things warmed up a tad.
    Seems to me that this Heavenly Ocean thing is messing up the whole planetary dynamics.
    Sort of a strange thing for a Creator to go and Create so that it could go and Un-Create everthing that this here Creator Feller went and spent 6 whole days Creating in the first place. Ya Think?

    So then, at some point in time around four thousand years give or take a few minutes, this "Heavenly Ocean" decided to re-enter the atmosphere therby causing this Flood that took out everything created up to that point in time, except of course, Noah and Company?
    And ALL of that water fell over a 40 day period?

    You Know postulated that this amazing event was the cause of the Ice Age.
    In other words, a COOLING Trend occured by a unfathomable amount of water re-entering the atmosphere as ICE and ALL of it turning to STEAM.
    With the "current laws of physics" in mind, Alan countered with the exact opposite effect which would wipe out ALL living things, including Noah and Company.

    So YK, you have an interesting delema if you are going to accept this Canopy as a valid fact of nature operating under "current laws of physics"

    Another Question for ya'll!
    Given the fantastic water pressures, how do you JW guys figure all them caves that are close to the surface such as found in Kentucky, Tenneessee and Virginia, survived being collapsed.
    You may surmise they were the result of FLOOD runoff water, as you did the Grand Canyon, but that still don't account for the formations existing in the caves. And nothing but dripping water to form them too, as in NO wind and weather errosion.
    Ever been in a Really Cool cavern YK?
    You really believe that those fabulous formations of solid Columns and Curtains formed in the paltry 4 thousand years since the Big Flood supposedly took place?


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