? Will there be earthquakes in the new world??D.S., U.S.A.
Today it is held that the majority of earthquakes are caused by slipping of large sections of the earth along faults or cracks in the earth, while others are due to volcanic activity or the collapse of limestone caverns. Among the theories advanced to account for the slippage of faults is the strain caused by contraction due to the cooling of the earth. In view of this natural cause we are not to think that either Jehovah God or Satan the Devil causes the earthquakes of today.
Earthquakes are repeatedly mentioned in the Scriptures. It is apparent that some of these were caused by Jehovah, or timed by him. Among these can be numbered the one that swallowed up the households of Korah, Dathan and Abiram, and the ones that occurred at the time of Jesus? death and resurrection.?Num. 16:31-33; Matt. 27:51-54; 28:2.
Jesus, who shared in creation, doubtless foresaw the settling of the earth?s crust and the build-up of pressures within that would seek escape. As a Master Worker he may well have known that this time of the end would be the time for an increase in such disturbances.?Matt. 24:7.
However, there is no reason to fear the possibility of such an occurrence in the new world. Jesus Christ, Jehovah?s Master Worker and the one of whom it is said that ?all things came into existence through him,? has been enthroned in heaven as the immortal king of the new world. (Prov. 8:30; John 1:3) With loving concern, he will see that no harm comes to his new world subjects from the forces of nature, even as he once calmed the turbulent waters of the Sea of Galilee when a boat was ?close to being swamped.? (Mark 4:37-41) Knowing well the structure of the earth, he may see to it that internal pressures find their outlet in unpopulated parts of the earth or under the ocean so as to cause no harm to man, or he may make it possible for men to move out of such areas before any disturbance occurs. Of this we can be certain: no one will be harmed by any such phenomena in the new world. And, no doubt, when the entire earth has been made a paradise, earthquakes will cease. (w60 Nov. p, 672)