Earthquake Victims Assistance

by AuntieJane 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • AuntieJane

    The toll is mounting; God help those poor people. I went to some websites of various churches

    and found most of them are helping, such as, what is posted below. BUT there is nothing on the JW website except their usual propaganda about persecution of the JW's. So much for brotherly love.

    Largest Earthquake in 40 Years Strikes Asia

    A 9.0-magnitude earthquake struck the Bay of Bengal, off the coast of Indonesia, on December 26. It generated a tsunami with waves as high as 30 feet crashing to shore, causing extensive damage and loss of life in surrounding countries.

    Catholic Relief Services has initially committed $500,000 to provide shelter and immediate healthcare needs to thousands of victims. CRS and its local partners immediately mobilized to the hardest-hit coastal areas of India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Indonesia.

     Catholic Relief Services is the official international relief and development agency of the U.S. Catholic community. We serve the poor in 94 countries overseas through programs in emergency relief, HIV/AIDS, health, agriculture, education, microfinance, and peacebuilding.
  • AuntieJane

    I should not show bias, here is the JW site with their "current news"......

    For Immediate Release
    December 22, 2004
    (Georgian; Russian)

    Printable Version

    Five-year ordeal ends for victim of mob attack

    TBILISI, Georgia?A five-year ordeal has ended for Mirian Arabidze, victim of a 1999 mob attack by religious extremists on a congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses gathered for worship in the Gldani district of the Georgian capital. Mr. Arabidze, one of Jehovah's Witnesses, was among several victims who were severely beaten during the attack. Although he was a victim of assault, he was later charged and subsequently convicted by a Georgian court of "hooliganism" for his presence during the attack. After years of legal battles, the Supreme Court of Georgia eventually exonerated Mr. Arabidze. The Court also ordered compensation to him for approximately $600 US for moral damages and legal fees. The compensation was paid as of November 18, 2004, and the exoneration was published in the official journal of the Georgian Ministry of Justice. Mr. Arabidze also received a letter of apology from the city prosecutor.

    Mr. Arabidze's case is one example of how the situation of Jehovah's Witnesses has improved in Georgia. They are now able to conduct their peaceful religious meetings and public visitation work without interference. This is in stark contrast to the constant fear during the years from 1999 to 2003, when their peaceful religious services were constantly threatened with mob attacks by a minority group of religious extremists.

    Since the Prosecutor's Office in Georgia refused to prosecute the perpetrators of the mob attacks in Georgia, Jehovah's Witnesses filed an application with the European Court of Human Rights regarding the 1999 attack in Gldani. On July 6, 2004, the Court ruled that the Witnesses' application was admissible, and a decision on the merits of the case is expected in the coming months.

    Local English / Georgian / Russian-speaking contact: Inga Geliashvili
    Telephone: +995 (93) 106-230

  • MungoBaobab

    I don't know exactly how CRS is related to the Catholic Chiuch, but the WTS doesn't have the membership or the money that the Catholics do, although we all know that isn't the real reason for them not making mention of this (yet). Naturally, they'd only help out the local Witnesses first. Which, truth be told, wouldn't you be pissed if you were a Witness affected and the WTS donated time and money to non-Witnesses before you, with so few resources to go around?

  • Sirona

    You can donate via this website

    There is a direct donate link there, or links to most of the charitable organisations who are seeking aid.


  • Undecided

    I can remember back during the second world war when the JWs sent clothes over to the war zone for the JWs. We gave some clothes to them. I don't remember any of the details because I was only about 6 years old.

    Ken P.

  • DevonMcBride

    I found a list of many reputable organizations providing humanitarian aid to the victims. Catholic Charities, the Latter Day Saints, Baptist, Lutheran, Jewish as well as many other religious and non-religious organizations are listed. The Watchtower Society is not there. How do the JW's justify this?,2933,142750,00.html

  • AuntieJane

    You'd think they'd at least have a posting on their say a prayer or something...since they are out to save the world! But nothing on it as of 12/28/04, just "news" relating to the latest persecution of JW's. boo hoo.

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