Does anyone know if the children that are left after this earthquake and flood will be able to be adopted by people here in the U.S.?
Adoption fo the children
by rnovello 4 Replies latest jw experiences
I wouldn't be surprised if something like that happened eventually. Maybe some of the relatives of the children that are already in the US...I think it will take a bit of time before that happens, though.
Doubtfully Yours
There are many kids in the US to be adopted already. Look into the social services program within your community for more information.
Bumble Bee
State Dept. Blocks Adoption of Tsunami Victims
From Robert Longley,Your Guide to U.S. Gov Info / Resources.
May take months to identify children truly orphaned
Dateline: December 31, 2004
In response to many inquiries from concerned Americans, the U.S. Department of State has stated that it will not be possible for U.S. citizens to adopt children who have been orphaned by the tsunami that struck parts of South Asia.
According to the State Department, the international standard in a crisis is to keep children as close to their family members as possible. It can be extremely difficult to determine whether children whose parents are missing are truly orphans. In the current situation, many children have become separated from one or both of their parents. Even when children are indeed orphaned, they are often taken in by other relatives. Staying with relatives in extended family units is generally a better solution than uprooting the child completely.
The State Department believes that it will take many months before the situation in those countries affected by the tsunami stabilizes to the point where the countries will be able to identify the children who are legitimate orphans. It is only if and when these countries decide to make these orphans available for international adoption that American citizens will be able to begin adoption proceedings for these children.
Americans who wish to contribute to ongoing relief efforts in response to the tsunami may obtain further information at or from the Center for Disaster Information (CIDI) at 703-276-1914.
Doubtfully Yours
Let the world help, while in the meantime allowing the infracstructures of those civilizations to take care of their own.
Let us all, all the world if possible provide the fish, and teach them all how to fish. However, let them all resolve their issue and deal with it in their respectives locations.
This is one of the problems I have with some of our bleeding hearts citizens here in the wonderful USA. These citizens want not only to solve other civilizations problems, but they want to take it a step further and bring their problems here.
No. Let us help them while they resolve their own issues.
This is what has me all opposed to us being in Irak or any other Country with issues.