My family moved a round a lot and I am interested in finding former friends from the areas where we lived. We started in SE Oklahoma around Idabel and Valliant. We then moved to Pauls Valley OK. Later we were associated with the North, West, and South Congrgations in Modesto. I was later in the Texarkana, AR cong, Durant, OK, and Atoka, OK. I had a number of friends throuout SW AR, NE TX, and NW Louisiana.
Looking for Old Friends in OK, Mdesto CA, and SW AR/NE TX
by ValiantBoy 2 Replies latest jw experiences
were you ever around tulsa or ok city? did you know anyone with the last name of ewert or waller?
I curently live in OKC, but I have neve been associated with any of the congrgations here. I don't know any Ewerts or Wallers, although both names are familiar.