In relation to the recent Asian disaster, who will be celebrating NEW YEAR ? ......The several Asian goverments are saying they will not....what will you be doing ?
New year Celabrations
by blobby 7 Replies latest jw friends
Well I know only 3 people missing (so far). But I don´t think sitting home feeling sorry makes it better. I´m going to get drunk, puke, drink moore and feel sorry for myself tomorrow. Don´t know if that´s celebrating though.
Yes. New Year is about a new start, a chance to do things better.
Hope springs eternal.
So Lazy....just a normal Scandinavian night !
Lazy....just picking up on your point "I only know 3 people...." do you mean actually knew them or what ?
I actually knew/know them. Not like close friends but....... I don´t really know how bad it is ´cause as I said not close enough to try contact their relatives to find out more. At the same time there is few more that don´t answer e-mail living and working in Thailand that I know, I don´t know what to think about them. I don´t have any contact with their family in Sweden and even if I had don´t want to contact them. So worst case scenario (so far) is 7 persons and sad to say counting up numbers everyday. I know about 20 Swedes living most of the year in Thailand not knowing where everybody lives, or if they were there at the time.
Bumble Bee
How awful for you to not know what is happening. I've been so upset just seeing on the TV what has happened there, and all the people that have lost their lives, homes etc, and I don't even know anyone over there.
As for what I did on New Years - we went to a friends house and we all played road hockey (you can tell I'm Canadian eh? lol) - kids against adults and we won!!! My hubby is a really good goalie and they were losing till we got there! We beat the kids last time too, even though we were outnumbered.
Well most people here knows someone missing or someone who knows someone....... Sweden has been worst hit of countries outside the area. Out of 9 miljon people 3500 missing. It´s the population of New York 3500 missing is roughly equal to WTC.