Here are my picks for the best and the worst. Keep in mind I haven't seen every movie, TV show, or video game:
Best New TV Show: Deadwood (Lost is a close second).
Best TV Show: The Sopranos (24 season three needed some work, but is my #2 pick)
Worst TV Show: Not one show, but the whole reality show fad. (If they aren't careful, the forensic crime shows could be the worst fad of 2005.)
Okay, Keep in mind I don't see movies until they come out on DVD or cable. If you have some current picks let me know and I will watch for them (or watch out for them, as the case may be).
Best Movie: Return of the King
Worst Movie: Hulk
Video Games
Wow! It was such a good year for video games.
Best Game: The Sims 2
Worst Game: Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 (I just got this in my Xmas stocking. What a bitter disappointment! It really sucks! It has some redeeming qualities, but the interface is absolutely terrible. It isn't anywhere as fun as the original.)
The Best: Christopher Reeve (even in his death he had something to say to educate us)
The Worst: Janet Jackson? Martha Stewart? Hmm. Pretty bad! But the worst has to be Michael Jackson.
What are your picks based on what you've seen?