I did not know this was a criminal act. Where I live, the guys do this all the time to each other. Seriously, they do it to the new members on a job site. Hey, I didn't say I lived in an area with alot of geniusesBTW, they make them work the rest of the day with the blue coloring, it takes days to wash off. YUCK wendy
Blind faith can justify anything~Richard Dawkins, The selfish gene
Auckland residents have triggered an almighty row by complaining that a lack of public toilets forces prostitutes to urinate on the street at night. Health workers say there is no problem because urine is usually sterile while police say that opening public toilets at night would mean people would have sex in them. However, Sharlene Te Whaiti, of the New Zealand Prostitutes Collective, says people leaving clubs and bars are also to blame and that public toilets should be left open at night. Senior Sergeant David Simpson told the Stuff website: "We know that this happens, it's absolutely disgusting behaviour. There have been a number of arrests and those people who continue will be arrested if they are seen urinating in public." Meanwhile, Dr Katy Godfrey, infectious diseases specialist at South Auckland Health, says urine is generally sterile so it's unlikely to give rise to health problems.