Hi. This is my first time posting. I'm married to a JW though I'm not. I'm too afraid to ask her this question for fear of provoking a fight. I was wondering how much does the average JW spend a year on books? Do they also do a collection at their meetings and conventions? How much do you think my wife spends per year on the Borg? Thanks.
How much do all the books, etc. costs?
by Ray Skyhorse 8 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome, Ray.
Good question. There isn't a fixed cost on books anymore here in the U.S. I would guesstimate at 30 to 50 cents per magazine and a few bucks per book. I would have no idea what she donates at the hall or the conventions, though. Guess it depends on how deep her/your pockets are.
"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every
form of tyranny over the mind of man." --Thomas Jefferson* -
Ray Skyhorse
Thanks for the info TR.
I'd like to ask a follow-up question. How much of a profit do you think the Borg is making on these materials? I get the impression from people posting that the printing business is a real money maker for the Borg. However, once you factor in postage it doesn't sound too profitable to me.
Thank you for posting, and please hang around for a bit!
You are right, you have to phrase things very carefully with JW because they are instructed to tune anything out that sounds like doubt of the WBTS which they equate with God. Because they were told to, and they bought in lock, stock and barrel.
Lisa -
Hi Ray, as TR mentioned the average cost of books based on when they used to charge for them is not very high, and though they don't take up a collection they will give talks on how God loves a cheerful giver.. It's really up to the individual how much they want to contribute, as I recall there are basically two funds: Contribution to the world wide work, and there's a revolving Kingdom Hall building fund. But frankly, if I were you I'd be more concerned about what she's learning than the money she's donating.
"It is not so much that you use your mind wrongly--you usually don't use it at all. It uses you. This is the disease." -Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now
Having been a printer at one time in the not too distant past I can state with certainty that even though the Society is now on the "Donation" basis, the WTBTS makes a killing. They pay no labor costs. When I worked printing, to print a mag the quality of the Watchtower, including labor, was well less than .20 per each. Books cost a bit more, but most of them that I've seen would cost around 1.50 or so per each, including labor. Trust me, the WTBTS is making BIG money.
By the way, what's your story. I too am married to a now EX JW, (she's converting) and I've never been a dub myself.
"Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
[Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"] -
I read something on the 'net a couple of months ago where one of the old overseers posted costs for printing in 1980 or something. I can't find the link but it was like 8 cents a mag or something.
My peeve is the WT CD. I know that I pay about $0.69 per CD. I purchase them in blocks of 100. Free labor. The "recommended donation" is $50 or $100 depending where you look. I know people that have donated $50 for the CD. That's one hell of a profit.
Slipnslidemaster: "The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad."
- Salvador Dali -
Ray Skyhorse
I'd like to thank everyone for replying to my post. Since I was never part of the Borg, it is very interesting to read the variety of comments, particulary from former members.
Yerusalyim, you were asking what my story is...well, it's a long one and one that I wish to tell though I'll need some time to write it.
The very short of it is I'm 37 year old guy who lives in So Cal. I've been married for the last year and a half to a woman who is Borg. She was assimilated 13 years ago. I fell in love with her before she joined the Collective and I'm still in love with her. We are great friends and we have a 5 month old son. More to come.
I was wondering how much does the average JW spend a year on books?
I used to donate about $50 a month plus donations, but I think that is a bit high for most. A more conservative estimate would be around $20 a month. Annually $700-$300 respectively.
Do they also do a collection at their meetings and conventions?
While there is no collection, a bit of misinformation is generally provided at each assembly where accounting creates numbers that make it look like they are deep in the red toward the end of the assembly. This announcement is always made to guilt everyone into digging deep before they leave. On the local level announcements are generally made monthly about accounts and the need to pay the bills at the end of the month. Contribution boxes are prominently placed by the bulletin board at each Kingdom Hall.
How much do you think my wife spends per year on the Borg?
A typical unbelieving spouse will donate $10 - $20 a week plus donations obtained in field service. This of course can vary depending on the financial resources of the spouse.