Many years back, a friend of mine was summoned to appear before a disfellowshipping committee. The relevant part of the story is here:
So I was wondering if it might not be a good idea to emulate his course of action?
The Brit local newspapers love a story like this with it's pathos and drama being maniluplated by an illegal kangaroo court comprised of religious elders. Maybe if it became the norm for for threatened ex's to inform the local press of what was about to transpire, elders might think twice before ousting would be faders from the congregation?
So, if you're going to be DF'd at a JC, why not inform the press of what will happen? How you will be shunned by everyone, including your JW family? The story will be read by many in the congregation too and it is also a good way of making sure that more people will hear your side of the story.