Stafford and Furuli

by dunsscot 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • dunsscot

    I hear that Stafford and Furuli are coming out with new books. One will deal with the Gentile Times, and the other will discuss JWs via three "dissertations." I immensely look forward to these works.

    Duns the Scot

  • TR

    Hi dunsscot,

    I've never read either person's books, but I would be interested in doing so.

    The shear weight of all the damning evidence against the WTS will be quite a task to lift, though. This, I gotta read.


    "I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every
    form of tyranny over the mind of man." --Thomas Jefferson*

  • Farkel

    : I hear that Stafford and Furuli are coming out with new books.

    They are both thoroughly dishonest. A professor friend of mine asked another well-known humanities professor friend of mine who also happens to be an expert on dubs to review only ONE chapter of Stafford's "Jehovah's Witnesses Defended." My friend offered this professor good MONEY to do it, too. My professor friend declined. He has no time to deal with crap, even though is is very interested in dubs and dub issues. He and I went to dinner instead. We had a ball and laughed about that whole idea.


  • Scorpion

    If you want to see the books that Stafford & Furuli have on line, go to

    I always have JWs that know about these clowns, throwing these glittering jems of colossal deception my way.

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    Oh dear, Greg Stafford... he's the guy who got caught posting congratulatory remarks to himself from a hotmail account to H2O, claiming 'Greg kicked butt' in some debate he had windbagged his way through... but he was too stupid to do it right, and his real name appeared on the post too...made himself look entirely foolish, and dropkicked what teenyweeny tad of credibility he may have once claimed RIGHT INTO THE OLD CRAPPER! After that bit of idiocy, nobody with any working brain cells would take the time to wade through his blahblahblah style of grandstanding. He got counseled for being at Waterworld debating, too, and did the fast obedient fade, the big capon...

    Yeah, we love Greggy, old Mr. Never-Use-One-Simple-Word-When-A-Thousand-Windy-Syllables-Might-Dazzle-The-R&F! (a trick his disciple Dunny seems to espouse, too, with equally hilarious effect.) Greggy is absolutely the VERY BEST thinker the Jdubbies can muster for their cause. And THAT fact, friends, is one Mommie finds SCREAMINGLY funny!

    ROFLMAOPMP at JW apologists who offer the pompous Greggy as an expert on anything but deceit and pomposity,
    Mommie Dark

  • Fredhall


    Are they dishonest in God's eyes or your eyes?

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