We often talk about unconditional love on the forum.
How our parents and members of our congregation only love, conditionally,and we condemm them.
But does God love us unconditionally, ive come to the conclusuion he doesnt so why are we surprised when his followers dont either.
So whos to blame, the witness who want to do everything by the "book" and feel there pleasing God regardless of the pain it causes them,or is it God himself who expects more than we can posssible do
One day I believe and want to believe in him the next minute I dont.
When he looked down on the events of these last few days, did he feel sorrow for all those people who lost there lives. Was he proud of all us humans, flocking to help them, with money, volunteers and more important empathy for our fellow man who are suffering?
Will this count as nothing?
The witness really feel this tragedy has nothing to do with them, as they are no part of the world. They will say empty words, but feel nothing, is this also a reflexion on the God they worship?
I think so