Do you have any more information, Aikon, address, phone number, fax number, etc.?
The Website of the Lord's Witnesses and The True Bible Code
For the urgent attention of all Jehovah's Witnesses, 'we' have resolved the blood issue - see Joining and Leaving us
For the urgent attention of all those with faith in Jesus living in Judea today, our understanding is that you should start preparing to flee to the mountains, prepare your families to leave Jerusalem and other urban areas of Judea.
We advertised in the UK Independent Newspaper on July 23rd 2004 and on July 24th 2004, and in USA Today on July 27th 2004, that the Great Tribulation of Matthew 24, would start on September 1st/2nd 2004 (2004Elul14). It appears that we were correct.
September 1st/2nd was the time of the Beslan tragedy in Russia. We originally discounted the Russian Terrorist atrocity as being the start of the Great Tribulation since it seemed to be less significant than 911 because less people were killed in it (around 330 reported initially out of 1200 reported hostages). The LWs had supposed internally that the Great Tribulation had to start with a terrorist act that was worse than 911, since it is billed in scripture as the worst thing that has ever happened to mankind. But then on Sky News early on Thursday morning on September 8th, a week after the tragedy, the TV reporter said: (continued)
Here's another group's description of the LORD'S WITNESSES: