New Blood Cards

by unique1 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • unique1

    My father called me and asked me to be his Power of Attorney on his blood card. (Yes I will respect my father's wishes, even if he won't respect mine.) Confused, I told him I thought the Power of Attorney was a second document you could obtain upon request. He said not anymore, the new cards have the blood information as well as a power of attorney and ALL blood cards now have to be notarized. I guess signing one every year wasn't enough in some areas. It just seems crazy to me. OVERKILL. I feel sorry for the few Notary's in each congregation, they are going to be very busy.

    I apologize if this topic has been brought up already. The search function wouldn't work for me.

  • blondie

    Actually, once this document is signed it does not have to be renewed yearly, only if the person moves...different states have different laws. This type of document was not invented by the WTS but they have to get every JW to have one or no-blood clinics have said they will not treat them.

    Doesn't he have a JW relative or trusted elder that can act as the proxy? It doesn't have to be a blood relative. I'm surprised he trusts you but does not extend you the same courtesy.

  • unique1

    Wow, at least it doesn't have to be renewed yearly now. That is good. I didn't know that No-Blood clinics required it. It just kind of freaked me out that it used to be this 12 page document that you had to request from the society and now it is less than 1/4 of a standard page and on the back of the blood card.

    As far as my dad, I am the only relative he has in the "truth". I am not disfellowshipped, I just faded. He was relieved of his elder duties last year because someone else spread lies about him and my mother is an official B!t@h so they don't really have any close friends that they could ask.

  • what_Truth?

    I commend you for following the bible's advice to "honor your father". Hopefully your good example will convince him that there are better people out of the org than in.

  • Neo

    Has anyone seen those new Blood Cards already?


  • 144001

    My parents carry those damn cards too. I hope I am never in the position of having to choose between enforcing compliance with their wishes or saving them from the illogical and despicable policies of the Watchtower.

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