I got a call this morning from my son's ex-girlfriend. She and I are still friends and I have filled her in on the JW's believes and all the BS they call the truth. She is fairly young, 23 and very meek and mild. I'm sure they thought they had a vulnerable easily manipulated young mom starving for company as she lives in the middle of nowhere in South Carolina. She shocked them with what she knew. She started the conversation with to me with "you wouldn't believe what happen to me this morning" She always has some kind of bad luck (unforeseen occurance) happening in her life such as her house burning down etc. so I said "let me guess you totaled your car?" she said "no worse than that" I said "what could be worse than that" and she said "I spent 2 hours talking to Jehovah's Witnesses" I said "oh my that is worse" Anyway she argued with them about blood issues, birthday issues and the changing of their stand on so many things. She also remembered that I told her that years ago they didn't allow immunization shots and later changed their position on that. The witness ladies said that it wasn't true and that she was listening to the wrong people. She also mentioned the molestation cover ups and the ladies told her that the law would deal with the molesters. My son's ex girlfriend said "you people disfellowship people that go to the law with molestation stories" The witness ladies had the nerve to say "if they were true christians they would know to go to the law in a case like that" This girl is very sensitive to molestation because she was severely molested and raped at 7 years old by her uncle over a period of time, as was her sister and brother. These people denied the new light on birthday's, blood, and immunizations and I was hoping someone could give me dates and articles that came out on these subjects. These woman are returning to talk to her and she wants to be armed with information. Thank you for any info you can provide.
Need info on the "new light" regarding B.Days and other "New Light"
by Icansaylucky 9 Replies latest watchtower bible
Roam around on the most excellent "Quotes" site:
It's chock full o' the nuts own publications showing flip-flops, fallacies, and phony doctrines.
I don't think they will actually come back. I used to hear people like that, and of course you'd say you'd return, but never did.
in a new york bethel minute
the only thing i ever saw that could loosely be considered new light on bdays/christmas is the april 8th, 2004 awake "from our readers"... it will sell very few Jdubs... but we all noticed it for what it's truly worth
beth hell
I started a thread on birthdays sometime back. It might be of interest.
Also, do a search on this site, JWD. There are 38 entries on birthdays. Hope you find what you need.
Thank you all for your suggestions, I'm off to research.
Also, go to http://watchtower.observer.org On the left look up J.W. & Medicine. Scroll down to Vaccinations and click.
Kenneson, perfect site, thank you. I was mad just reading the way they explained the vacinations were from the devil. Unbelieveable.
Doubtfully Yours
There is no 'new light' regarding B-days. JWs still subscribe to the idea that celebrating birthdays is a non-Christian activity.