Here is me, alarmed at seeing myself in a pink shawl
This is me alarmed that you are all looking at my boobs
(In the spirit of FMZ and the Belly Dancer)
by confusedjw 9 Replies latest jw friends
Here is me, alarmed at seeing myself in a pink shawl
This is me alarmed that you are all looking at my boobs
(In the spirit of FMZ and the Belly Dancer)
Yuuuup...With a body like that you could sell a heck of a lot of propane and propane accessories, boy I tell ya what
Awwww BoomHowerDoodle, thanks.
You are so sexy! Nice boobs!
Hank! Well, you have finally done every man's fantasy... went and got a boob job! Now I'm sure you'll stay home and play with them new toys all day long!
Apart from those national health glasses you're looking darn swanky and shlexy.
ROFLMAO - you guys really crack me up!!!
If you don't mind ConfusedJW you still have to work on the face () BUT the BODY is PERFECT !!!
lmao CJ... hilarious!
With those Boobs I bet you never leave the house!