i don't know about when it was allowed but i can tell you our experience, when my husband was 18 he and some other witnesses friends drank some peach snapps, got loaded, and when somebody talked, my hubby told them the truth, the elder committee decided to disfellowship him, his father, a former elder appealed it, the second elder body set up by the society felt he shouldn't even be reproved, he was young and made a mistake. So, so much for every elder body having god's holy spirit, ha! The decision to disfellowship was revoked and he was publically reproved to settle the first elder body who were livid. They reproved someone against their own judgement to pacify this body of elders. They should all be policitians in my opion. Right and wrong are very subjective things to them. And guess what? When my hubby was envolved in a committee meeting years later, his old cong. was called up the elder they spoke to say he was so disgusted with him not being disfellowshipped that he almost, almost, stepped down from being an elder. I know this because they told me this from their mouths when trying to convince me not to marry him. I think that probably anybody who knew how to work the system could get a disfellowshipment revoked, just kiss some bethel ass.