So Beijing is going to hold the Olympic games in 2008. Unbelieveable. Human rights are now no longer an issue, apparently.
Some would say that the Chinese government will now be all luvvy-duvvy to its people so that they don't get the elbow before the games start. Taiwan is over the moon - no invasion for at least 6 years.
OK, thats the heavy stuff over for a minute! Out of curiosity, lets see which country you would like to see hold the Olympic games in 2012.
Oh yes, you can't vote for your own country!
I would like the Olympics to be held in Lisbon, Portugal.
..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.
Anywhere but the U.S until it gets rid of the DEATH PENALTY.
"HUMAN RIGHTS are no longer an issue" Why do we think we can change human rights for people worldwide? Lets start with our own back yard lets look at the RAFTERS in our own eyes. When we can look around and see all that we can see is good then we can widen are small sphere of influence to include more people. Until then let the atheltes compete and let the chinesse people see the outside world for after all it is REALLY up to them to get there own human rights-----it's there backyard.
You might want to compare the number of legal murders committed by countries like China before bad mouthing your own country.
Yes the US (some states) have the death penalty. Do some research see why China has executed some of their citizens over the past 6 months. I think you'll be thrilled to be living where you are.
Kismet what does a sporting event have to do with human rights. What good effect of not letting the chinesse have the olympics would come to there citizens. Even the Dalhi Lama thought it was a good idea.
BTW---How did I bad mouth the U.S.? Unless stating a FACT in your oppinion means I bad mouthed something.
I'm thrilled at living anywhere it sure beats the alternative. Of course being a white american in china sure wouldn't be much fun. Maybe as much fun as japanesse AMERICANS had during the second world war when they were sent to camps because they had slanted eyes. That wasn't very long ago in the whole sceme of things.(i guess you would consider that FACT another bad mouth)
We treated black people in parts of this country as dogs up to the sixties nobody stopped us from having the olympics. Why do all countries have to be on the same page as us? Let the chinesse government and it's people work things out themselves. If you think we can change the worlds most powerful nation (in a non-nuclear war) from without you need to be deprogramed.
lets see which country you would like to see hold the Olympic games in 2012.
· Tibet...or whatever's left after the Chinese government gets through with it, while our Western commerce turns a blind eye.
· Or maybe Afgahnastan, its government has proven they're a God fearing Nation and a shining example for all Christian fundamentalists of what can be accomplished once the scourge of atheistic scrutiny is expunged.
Regardless, Venus Williams should have a good chance representing Jehovah, the WTBTS Corporation and Jehovah’s Witnesses everywhere by having the opportunity to prance around the Beijing tennis courts wrapped in the “ol’ Red, White and Blue” once again.