Hi all, I have a serious business dispute with a JW and it is getting out of control - I need to know if there is any procedure for seeing mediation that he can trust (through your organization, for example). I am also a serious practicing Christian believer, although I am not a JW. I have no reason to believe that this man is not exactly who he claims to be, as he has always acted honorably, apart from our business together, regretably. We have been unable so far to reach an accord, and things are spiraling out of control which helps neither of us, and potentially hurts us grievously. Please: not only money is at stake. We both live in Eastern Europe, where foreigners are disliked and JWs especially are openly hated. This man is new to the area, and feels that involving outside help (court, lawyers), etc. will solve our problem. I am a local here many years, I know it will simply get us into serious, even physical trouble with people who would wish us BOTH ill. If I had a problem with a member of my church, I would go to my pastor (for example). I honestly believe that a lot of our problem is due to grievous misunderstanding - and that both he and I would like to see a fair resolution that is pleasing to our beloved and righteous God, who despises injustice and squablling between his children. I know that trust is no longer strong between us, therefore, I am seeking immediate help from someone who could help me find a mediator that this man, a devout JW, would trust; and since I share many of your beliefs (for example, I do not ascribe to the trinity or the cross), I believe I could trust this mediator as well. Please contact me via email: [email protected] immediately, thank you. If you include your phone number, I will happily call you. Please... hurry!!!
Help: I have a dispute with a JW and don't know how to proceed.
by kouzelna 6 Replies latest jw friends
We both live in Eastern Europe, where foreigners are disliked and JWs especially are openly hated.
Silly me. I posted this note for help and THEN realized that this seems to be an ANTI JW group.
Cool, then maybe you can help. This man (see original post above) made all kinds of promises to me over a period of about 30 days, and then once I signed our contract BAM! He tells me 36 hours later that "anything I may have said, if it's not in the contract, doesn't apply." So all our verbal agreements are off.
Now, everytime I even attempt to communicate with him, I am advised that my emails are being copies, that my calls and talks in his house may be recorded, and to any accusation of fraud he keeps repeating "the contract, the contract," like it is the Word of God.
I've just been totally screwed, haven't I? -
The only person he would probably trust as a mediator is another JW. One suggestion I could offer is to find a JW elder who doesn't know either you or your business associate and ask if he will act as a mediator. The only problem with that is I'd be afraid this mediator, being a JW, would be biased towards his "brother". Perhaps a better suggestion would be if you both know someone who you both trust who could act as mediator. Lastly, if there is a professional mediation service available there that handles labor disputes and such you might try engaging them. Unfortunatly, I fear that if he feels the only way to resolve this is to go to court he's probably not open to any of the above and it doesn't sound as if he's as sincere as you in wanting to solve things in a biblical way. By the way, I'm not sure if your realize that this is an anti-Jehovah's Witness sight. There are some active and inactive (me) Witnesses here as well as those who've been either kicked out or left of their own accord.
"This man (see original post above) made all kinds of promises to me over a period of about 30 days, and then once I signed our contract BAM! He tells me 36 hours later that "anything I may have said, if it's not in the contract, doesn't apply." So all our verbal agreements are off." Is there any law there giving you a certain amount of time to get out of a contract? For example, in California we have 3 days to cancel contracts. Also, were there any witnesses to his verbal promises? It's hard to answer your questions since you're in another country with different laws but you might want to start asking around. I'd suggest consulting with a local attorney.
Been there
It does sound like you maybe screwed if it is to late to back out of the contract (3 Days in the USA). You signed your name to what was on the contract, not what he may have said before that. If nothing else you could bring it up to his elders that he deceived you but even they need 2 witnesses. Yep sounds like he got you. Get a lawyer.
JW's are master of these kinds of legal games.
My advice to you is to arrange to meet him somewhere private.
And proceed to kick his @$$! Then let him out of "the contract". His beating should suffice as payment in full.
Otherwise you'll never win cent. Remember "The Merchant of Venice"? They are the "Shylock class". LOL