While listening to conversations between my daughter and my wife recently, I am hearing my j.w. Bible study daughter ask her Mom ...."How come you are always lying to me"?
Which is very strange, because my wife, being a devote Catholic, would never lie, intentionally. That's just the way she is.
When my wife would answer no to this question and try to explain what she is trying to say, my daughter also says...."YOU'VE LIED TO ME IN THE PAST, when I was a teenager". (She's 35 now).
And, although this may be true to some extent because we tend to tell our kids "half-truths" to help explain situations that can help them understand life's problems, we don't intend them to be lies. I call them little white lies.... can't think of any examples right now, but I think you get the picture.
Anyway, I've noticed a trend between my daughter and her j.w. aunt, who is directly responsible for my daughters involvement in the j.w..
I remember hearing similar discussions between my wife and her sister. Her sister would "BRING UP THE PAST" when confronted by my wife, and was losing a discussion with her. She would say things like, "Well, WHEN WE WERE KIDS, YOU ALWAYS DID THIS TO ME OR THAT TO ME", ETC. ETC.
My question is....Is this standard procedure? Has anyone else noticed this practice of "bringing up the past"?
Are there any written rules about this procedure in their material to "help convert" the new members and turn them away from their natural family?
Thanks in advance.