The time has come to fit a new bathroom!
Our present bathroom is awful. Squalid, dank, mildewy, just awful. So, I'm gonna build a new one this year.
Hmm...but. The idea of doing without a bathroom while I rip out the old one, fit in a new one, tile the walls and gawd knows what else, fills me with alarm. How will we bathe and shower whilst the work goes on, because I'm doing it meself and won't be doing it very quickly 'cos i will also be working full time?
I know, I shall put our new bathroom in the spare small bedroom! That way it won't interfere with our normal bathing /showering routine at all. Once I've completed the new bathroom and it's in use, I can move the stuff out of the old bathroom and then simply use it for storage. Brilliant!
But hold on a mo......our new bathroom will be at the front of the house but the 4 inch soil pipe is at the back..I can't run a 30 feet long 4 inch pipe under the floor boards because the timber joists all run the wrong way. Bugger!
But then again someone mentioned to me that a Saniflo system only requires a 1 inch pipe to take all the waste from the loo. It has an electric macerator that will push the waste for 60 yards if needs be. It will certainly be less expensive than the £1000 + it would cost to get a 4" pipe down the front of the house and connected to the mains sewer buried in the middle of the road. Yup! That's the answer!
What I would like to know, though, is if anyone here has any experience with the operation of these Saniflo things. Are they any good?
Any other advise will be gratefully received.
Any comments about a 4 inch pipe not being any good for someone with a 5 inch asshole anyway, will be ignored.
Thank you.