Living up to my Screen Name....I need info....Please :o)

by Seeking Knowledge 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    I have had a hard time wrapping my head around everything I've learned about the JW's. I had no idea. I must have been insane to not see the signs when I was with my ex. What can I say?? Now I have more questions than answers. First of all, I want to thank you all for your contributions to this website and putting your experiences out there. I've found in my life talking about things, either in person or in cyberspace, seems to help alot. I hope you don't mind about my questions.

    My ex has been taking our son to his meetings, I want to know what my son is experiencing. Can someone like me just go into the same KH & observe?? Or do I have to be invited? Do they have these meetings in KH's all the time? I've asked my son if he plays while in church, he says no. He's only 4 so I don't expect alot, but he's starting to talk more. Of course his dad & family is teaching him that my beliefs are wrong...which is why I started looking. I do take him to my church, he is learning another side. My ex has NEVER witnessed to me, never tried, never brought it up, asking him would be like talking to the wall.

    He told me, in a previous rant, that he was only teaching our son "truth" from the bible. So I asked him to point out the truth that said it was bad to celebrate birthdays, etc. the usual questions. Of course he couldn't, but assured me it was true. I told him I don't believe anything anyone tells me as the truth until such times they can prove it to me....anyway, he did mention a book that he had our son studying (Ok..he's only 4...whatever) Where can I get this book?? I asked him to let me see it, but like everything else when we converse, he just smiles & nods his head. I told him I did not want my son baptised a JW and he shook his head & said "no no no" as if I just asked him to jump off a bridge. He also said that if our son decided to be a Catholic, that would be fine with him. It was my turn to smile & nod my head. He tends to tell me what he thinks I want to hear

    My Ex seems to pick & choose which part of this religion best applies to him. I know he does the meeting thing on Tuesdays, he's all but told me that, but he listens to all kinds of music, watches whatever movie (they had Farenheit 9/11 in the house the other day) and pretty much does what he wants. Maybe it's a more liberal congregation he attends, I don't know. I'm pretty sure he's not baptised, he was not practicing when we were together. He's doing what they want him to do, going thru the motions if you will, but I don't think his heart is in wasn't before...but in the same vein he is forcing his beliefs on my son to the detriment of my son. He doesn't care, so long as "they" are happy with him, he doesn't care who it hurts.

    He's SO not the head of his household--he lives with his parents. He married Attila the Hun, in that when I try to talk to him about our son, she jumps in there, tells me what I do wrong, what a bad person I am, etc while he sits there like a lump. She's just a wee bit insecure. I don't get anywhere trying to talk to him as she feels the need to manipulate anything I try to talk about and since we split up and he married Atilla, he won't talk to me AT ALL anymore. He never told me he was getting married, that he was married, that she was preggo or even that the baby was born. Nothing, it's like being in the room with a stranger. I've tried & tried to be civil but I cannot with this woman around. She does not leave his side. I should add that on the rare occasion he comes without her, he's back to his "normal" self with me & my daughter. It's so confusing! They've even taken to encouraging my son to call her mom. Which is direct violation of our custody order, but he doesn't care. If I say "don't" he does it anyway. Yes, I know I need to go back & have that handled, which is part of my reason for being here. I must gather as much information as I can to show why I don't want my son raised as a JW. Is it part of their "rules" he not be alone with me or her insecurities that won't allow it?

    About these conventions, can I just go or do I have to be with a JW?? I'm so tempted to call for a study so I can "get in there" & figure out more. I'm so strong willed & I'm pretty sure there is no way they can sway me into their mind control. Apart from dealing with idiot boy (ok I call him dickhead) I've got a very supportive family, I have 2 kids, my own home, & I'm pretty successful in my life. I don't need them. (My dad told me when I was younger he knew I could never follow in his footsteps & join the Military as I couldn't take orders!!) My ex, however, married someone he knew for 6 months and they both live with his parents (who also hate me) and just had their own kid. I know he's unhappy, I don't care, but I know he's unhappy...I can see it in his eyes. He went back to make his parents happy, he married for the same reason, they hated me, hated him being with me, even now when I go over there to collect my son, they scatter like cockroaches.

    Anyway, thanks for putting up with the questions. I know I have more...hopefully I won't drive anyone crazy. I just want to know what my son is going through. He hates going to his dad's house it's always a fight even tho it's been a year since the custody was determined. He's been acting out so much lately, and I can only assume that's because of the baby. Not that I know this as I cannot talk to the walking void that is my ex.

    Hope I don't sound too pathetic..there is so much more but not enough webspace!!

    SK of the OMG is she done yet?? class

  • Kaethra

    Yikes! I don't envy your situation my dear. I'll take a stab at your questions though...

    Can someone like me just go into the same KH & observe?? Or do I have to be invited? Do they have these meetings in KH's all the time?

    Yes. You can just go to the KH anytime there is a meeting. Most KHs post their meeting schedule on the building. (At least they used to, but I haven't been to one in a while!) There are usually meetings at least three times a week. Be prepared to be asked, ever-so-politely, what it is you are doing there. Once they find out you are "interested" (in any way), be prepared for the love bombing to begin.

    a book that he had our son studying (Ok..he's only 4...whatever) Where can I get this book??

    hmmm....I don't know if there are more recent books for children that young since I was in. The one I know of is "My Book of Bible Stories". You could probably find it on Ebay...less hassle than trying to find a jw to bring you one!

    Is it part of their "rules" he not be alone with me or her insecurities that won't allow it?

    It's definitely a No-No for a jw to be alone with a member of the opposite sex to whom they are not married. (Although it does sound as though her insecurity is a contributing factor.)

    About these conventions, can I just go or do I have to be with a JW??

    Absolutely you can go on your own, just like the meetings. They tend to be a bit more security conscious at these things though, so be prepared for more ever-so-polite questions as to why you are there.

    I just want to know what my son is going through.

    Fantastic! As you should. The more you know the better prepared you will be to deal with the consequences of what he's being forcefed.

    Good luck (another jw no-no) to you!

  • jeanniebeanz
    Of course his dad & family is teaching him that my beliefs are wrong...which is why I started looking. I do take him to my church, he is learning another side.

    Make sure the court knows this. He should be barred from putting the child in the middle like this. Saying, 'this is what daddy believes, and that is what mommy believes' is one thing, saying, 'mommy is wrong and bad' is entirely another matter and should be addressed.

    when I try to talk to him about our son, she jumps in there, tells me what I do wrong, what a bad person I am, etc

    If she is doing this in front of your son, the court can impose sanctions on her. Might remind her of that and definitly talk to your lawyer. If the lawyer says there is nothing you can do, get another one who is better and not so lazy.

    They've even taken to encouraging my son to call her mom. Which is direct violation of our custody order, but he doesn't care.

    Not his call. Again, don't let them get away with this.

    I know he's unhappy, I don't care, but I know he's unhappy

    That is why he is a different person around you alone, he may have realized he made a big mistake.

    when I go over there to collect my son, they scatter like cockroaches.

    She's still got a sense of humor in spite of all

    He hates going to his dad's house it's always a fight even tho it's been a year since the custody was determined.
    There may be something else going on if he hates it so much. Can you get the custody changed?

    Hope I don't sound too pathetic..

    You sound like a mother who hates to see the pain her son is in. That is NOT pathetic.:) Have you ever gone to a kingdom hall for a meeting that they went to? If you do, be sure that your son sits with you not them. May be uncomfortable and I am not suggesting that you get a bible study going with them or anything, but may be enlightening as to exactly what they are doing to your baby. Nifty side effect is that Attila will be steaming the entire time if that makes you happy. Don't know if I'd sit with them though.


  • orangefatcat

    Kaethra: What an interesting life you live. First off Welcome to the forum. Yes you will indeed find useful help and information. Just ask away any one of us will answer or many will answer. Yes indeed you are allowed to walk into a Kingdom Hall, you don't need an invitation. All meetings are free. The assemblies and conventions you can go to. It is also free. Although since 911 security has been heavy at any convention site, but they dress normally and you don't know them. You could be asked to show your assembly badge, but just say you forgot it. Blend in. Where a dress or skirt and top. Not to casual. Then they would for sure think something is up. It sounds like to me that you can blend real well. No fear what so ever. They start the meetings with a song and a short prayer. And on Sunday, I suggest this meeting to you. There is a public address where a JW speaker will give a talk for 50 minutes on a subject pre selected to give to the congregation. After the Sunday talk, the JW study their main Magizine the WatchTower. Its a mag. that has questions and anwers about a certain bible subject. You don't have to answer. Oh inbetween the Talk and the WatchTower they have another song. So if you want to leave that would be the time to go. After a 50 min. WT study they have a closing song and prayer and the meeting is over. Most persons go and speak with their friends. You could go earlier to the Sunday Talk and introduce yourself to some witnesses. That is only if you want to . The times of meetings are on the door of the Kingdom Hall.

    Its a friendly atmosphere. They aren't Christians who make loud clapping and waving of hands and shouting phares like "praise the lord". Its a sit and listen session. If you decide to stay for the WT magizine study you may need to ask some one for a copy. They are free. You don't have to pay money for anything like there is no collection plate. So I hope that I have answered some off you question.

    Don't feel intemidated and also one might come over to you and ask for a bible study. Maybe or maybe not. For the most part JW are nosy when it comess t o a new person coming into the Kingdom Hall. So they may ask you what cong. you are from. You know friendly chit chat. You sound very determined and I don't blame you in the least. As you said you don't take orders. If you need to ask anymore questions just post away.

    Enjoy your stay and agian Welcome

    Love Orangefatcat Terry

  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge
    Of course his dad & family is teaching him that my beliefs are wrong...which is why I started looking. I do take him to my church, he is learning another side.

    Make sure the court knows this. He should be barred from putting the child in the middle like this. Saying, 'this is what daddy believes, and that is what mommy believes' is one thing, saying, 'mommy is wrong and bad' is entirely another matter and should be addressed.

    SO on lawyer suggested me writing him a letter outlining our last try at a conversation and specifically mention this is to stop...that's why I'm here!!

    when I try to talk to him about our son, she jumps in there, tells me what I do wrong, what a bad person I am, etc

    If she is doing this in front of your son, the court can impose sanctions on her. Might remind her of that and definitly talk to your lawyer. If the lawyer says there is nothing you can do, get another one who is better and not so lazy.

    I hope so, I'm thisclose to seeing about a restraining order. She really is not a nice person, and yes, she does this in front of my son. In addition to it being in the custody order that neither parent encourage the boy to call the others partner mom or dad, neither is allowed to disparage the other parent or allow anyone to in front of him. Neither one care about the rules....just allowing him so much rope....

    I know he's unhappy, I don't care, but I know he's unhappy

    That is why he is a different person around you alone, he may have realized he made a big mistake

    I believe that....I've known him a long time...he's in over his head now. Doing things to make others happy really isn't the way to live life..he's learning, but he made his own bed.

    They've even taken to encouraging my son to call her mom. Which is direct violation of our custody order, but he doesn't care.

    Not his call. Again, don't let them get away with this.

    I don't...every chance I get, I've even told both of them to knock it off. Again, the rules don't apply to them, they now tell our son it's ok to do it, and to just do it at daddy's house. I tell him it's not ok, but he's 4...I don't think he gets it. He did call her by her first name for a long time, this is fairly new, she tried to tell me he came up with it by himself. I don't friggen think so. Such a cow....

    He hates going to his dad's house it's always a fight even tho it's been a year since the custody was determined.

    There may be something else going on if he hates it so much. Can you get the custody changed

    Working on it!! I've been to his pediatrician who recommended a family counselor, and I'm trying to find one who will work on a sliding scale as I don't have insurance to cover it. I don't want to go as far as saying there is abuse....but I want to make sure my son is ok.

    Nifty side effect is that Attila will be steaming the entire time if that makes you happy. Don't know if I'd sit with them though.

    My mere existance drives her crazy. She's pretty much shown me how much when I try to talk to my Ex. She now has her own child. I told her that when she is going thru what I'm going thru THEN she can talk to me about my business. She's really not a nice person....but I hold HIM responsible for all this. He's not worth protecting in my book.

    Thanks for the input guys...dealing with the Dumasses is no fun...but I appreciate all the help I can get. My lawyer is on this, I have to formulate my letter, I'm working on it now. Once that's done then we move to the next step. He doesn't think...that's HIS problem. I

  • jeanniebeanz

    Good luck, sk.


  • jgnat

    I see others have answered your specific questions. OK, as a fellow non-JW partner, I am gonna give you a few tips on how to handle the Kingdom Hall.


    The hall will be neat and tidy, with neutral decorating scheme. Think hotel convention room with fewer scuffs. Elders will be around talking to each other but they don't stake out the door like regular churches. A bulletin board will list upcoming talks and assignments (hint: check the list for "hot" topics. You may want to mark those dates to visit with your son). There will be boxes with slots for donations scattered about the back.


    You are fresh meat. The pioneer biddies will be lining up to nab you as an easy study. The trick is to convince them that you are not worth their while.

    Don't give ANYBODY your phone number. They are very much like persistent sales people. If they get very insistent, ask for THEIR phone number and offer to call them. Stay standing until the service starts so they can't corner you.

    Practice your non-committal "hmmm hmmmm" and "that's interesting".

    Introduce yourself as the ex-wife of XXXX. That should embarrass them enough to keep their distance.


    Dress in a conservative dress or blouse/skirt, to the knee. Wear nylons. Carry a bible. For the sunday service, if you don't have a Watchtower magazine, you will stand out. A helpful pioneer sister, MS, or Elder will offer you a magazine to follow along. Take it. You don't have to read the darn thing, just be sure you are on the right page. Everything will likely be cooly pleasant, as the Jehovah's Witnesses pride themselves in their meek and mild spirit. As long as you act like a quiet little ex-wifey, nobody will bother you.

    In JW-land, image is everything. On my first visit, I was mistaken for the visiting speaker's wife and I was fed all the local gossip. Boy, was that woman ticked when she found out who I was!

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