Yeah..Jack Daniels is a friend to me but..............
Ice Fishing...
by Mac 9 Replies latest jw friends
Ice fishing?.......What?
Jack Daniels never let anybody down, why do you have a "but" at the end of the sentence? -
74....I put a but in my sentence because I'm easily distracted. I'm also the worlds worst ice fisherman...everyone is hauling them in but me and I'm beginning to think there is a flaw in my technique. I burned up the motor on the boat cuz the prop couldn't spin freely in the ice so I decided to cast from shore but that damned hole is so tiny it took about 30 attempts to land the lure in it and then when it did I couldn't get my hula popper to work because the water had become slushy. Earlier I had set fire to my shoelace because my attention had been drawn to a couple of foxes coming out of the woods and I accidently aimed the magnifying glass at my boot while trying to melt a hole in the ice. Just one of those days, ya know? mac
Try Glenlivet (sp?). Careful though, it's a little too smooth!
Oh my, you set yourself on fire...yeah, I understand now.
Did you know Jack Daniels lowered the proof? You'd best switch to Jim beam or Wild Turkey :) -
Porto is good too. It's around 20%.
Ps, hope you catch some ice
*LOL*. giving it another try this afternoon. I've vowed to bring home does anyone have a recipe which includes wax worms and mousies..and tarter sauce? (My eldest son said he's taking us out for seafood tonight...such is his faith in me) mac(optimistic class)
mackarel, have you considered pouring the jack daniels on the ice? Either that or my suggestion would be a stick of dynamite...
*LOL*, Val.....I considered the dynamite but, I have been restricted from using anything that is sharp or combustible...just gonna rough it and maybe try a texas jig :)