The witnesses have all told me that they aren't ALLOWED to talk to a df'd person because the Bible says to treat him as a man of the nations, as a tax collector-- yet they talk to men of the nations, they talk to tax collectors. So where does it say they are to shun a df'd person- that they have to treat the person as though he isn't even in the room? To me, this is so cruel.-Sugarbritches
by sugarbritches 6 Replies latest jw friends
you're right, it is cruel. They're always going to come up with some way to justify shunning. In the end, I think it's a matter of trying to keep people in the organization. It instills fear to keep people in and it drives people back because they don't know anything/anyone else.
It is part of their control tactics. First they isolate you by telling you to abandon all your "bad association" (= non-JW), and encourage you to get baptized. You do, then you find out it's all a bunch of BS so you want out. Except your only friends are JW's. So if you get DF'd or DA'd, you'd be alone. So you don't leave. They win. Cults suck. Nothing scriptural about that.
The JellyBaby
Spot on...! short, sweet, and not a word out of place. That is exactly how it goes.
Where in the Bible does it mention the word Disfellowship anyhow? Its a controlling, self-preserving tactic!
They feel they get their practice from the scriptures.
1Cor :5-11 mentions "if anyone call himself "a brother" and is a fornicator, adulterer, blah blah blah.
They also get their thought from 2 John in which it says..."they went our from us as they were not of our sort."
In other words, they do not classify a man of the nations on the same level as a DFed one because the man of the nations.......never knew any better and is not reprehensible.
The idiots fail to recognise that many who not WANT to be recognised as "a brother" any longer, yet they still enforce their policy. You cannot leave them once your dunked without reprocussions unless you sneak away.
Will Power
How did Jesus treat the undesirables?, the tax collectors - wasn't Luke one?. The prostitutes, the adulterers? The lepers. Did the hungry have to be scrutinized first?
Just because they run into someone who want to "see" how they call it the truth, not just blindly believe it is so, a person "Making sure of all things" is now treated like dirt.
you are right on kwin CULTS SUCK
A good friend of mine (never a Witness) started researching the society when a JW boy started dating her daughter. What she found out shocked her. The evils she discovered kept her researching, helping doubting members exit, counselling those dating JW's, informing people about the dangers of this society. Her family (never involved with the Witnesses) do not understand how this religion can absorb so much of her interest. Their point of view, probably shared by most of the world, is that the Jehovah's Witnesses are slightly overdressed, mildly weird, but harmless.
The information needs to get out there. Cults suck. The Watchtower Society sucks big time. Otherwise we will continue to get those sad "I am in love with a JW but now I wonder if I should go through with the baptism" posts.