Does anyone have any information on lawsuits in regards to JW's victimizing the mentally ill?
by lme123 1 Replies latest watchtower medical
I am a former JW, 14 years removed. I moved out of state away from my JW family for 10 years, and currently moved back to my home town 2 years ago. It was a great healing process for me, especially being away from all of the confusing and controversial influences I was raised with. I meet a lot of great x-Jw's out of state who provided support. Now that I am back, its been a barrage of past JW influence, and most recently my best friend growing up had contacted me. This person was disfellowshiped for 12 years and has extreme mental illness which this person is being treated for. When we were younger, this persons mental illness was bucking its ugly head, and the symptoms of the disease lead to this person being disfellowshiped. I am extremely hurt that this many years later she still is struggling with the control JW's have had over this person all of these years. When this person needed the support of family the most, they had turned their back, and this person suffered for over a decade. Another significant family member of mine was reproved for symptoms of mental illness. When I lived out of state, I met many people who had stories of congregation members committing suicide after disfellowshipment. Growing up, there were multiple young people in the congregation I attended who had multiple suicide attempts, the elders were having their meetings and causing further damage. I could write a book on everything wrong with what happened during my 19 years being raised as a JW. My question is, does anyone have information on how I could gather a group of such wronged people, whom have been disfellowshiped or reproved due to mental illness for a lawsuit bringing to light how JW's victimize the mentally ill? This is my first post, I hope I have followed the guidelines. Thank you. -
IME123- Welcome to the board. Nice to have you here. I'm so sorry that your friend that you mention was treated so unjustly from the elders and the WT mindset in the elders. I have personally known people who were JW's who committed suicide after having been treated unjustly from elders. Elders are NOT trained to deal with mental illness. But they act as an authority under the guidance of the WT Society. It's extremely dangerous and the WT Society has a lot of bloodguilt on it's hands due to allowing these injustices to happen.
As regards HOW you can gather a lot of unjustly treated people together who have suffered abuse from the WT Society due to mental illness to go for a class action lawsuit against the WT Society- your guess is as good as mine. I would suggest talking to an attorney for a consultation to see what options are available. You'll need all the support you can in taking on the WT Society. Victims of WT child abuse are finding that out for sure. You'll need documentation, good attorneys who know the law. WT Society doesn't like to admit fault for any injustices they commit. I applaud you for taking the time and effort to fight on behalf of these victims. You have my support. I wish you the best and good luck indeed in pursuing it