by silentlambs 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • silentlambs

    I recently watched a movie called “Instinct”. It starred Anthony Hopkins and told the story about a man who went to the wild to live with the gorillas. While the premise may have seemed farfetched, the movie offered an insight I had not thought of till I saw how the story was told. The story tells about a man who went to live in the wild and was accepted into a family of gorillas to the final point of trust where he would even baby sit their young. As part of the gorilla ”family” he also came under their protection from anything that would threaten them also. At one point hunters found the gorilla group and started to kill them as they fled in fear. Mr. Hopkins attacked the hunters with a club, killed a couple, but was overwhelmed by their numbers. As he lay on the ground being kicked and beaten the leader of the gorilla’s a large silverback male charged to his rescue. The gorilla was promptly dispatched in a hail of bullets. As the gorilla lay dying his eyes met Mr. Hopkins who also lay with a boot on his head, injured, yet realizing this gorilla was acting on instinct to protect his family, he gave his life to protect Mr. Hopkins who had become a part of the gorilla’s family.

    As I watched this scene I became filled with a great sense of grief. I asked myself why, and as I began to think about it I realized I have been acting on “instinct” the last few months. I got to thinking about why I am in the position I am in. It was because I came to learn of a danger to my family of brothers and sisters. Many have been victims of the hunters or should I say leaders of the Watchtower Organization, who have no remorse but to preserve an “image” of Jehovah’s Witnesses at the expense of however many lives may get in the way. The victims are expendable, easily disposed of with a quick DF much like a bullet to the head of something perceived to be in the way of progress or the greater good.

    When the victims speak out they are much like Mr. Hopkins who was striking out to stop the slaughter. They quickly are smashed to the ground by the powers that be with a force they cannot overcome. I could see myself as the large male silverback charging in to try and defend those who were being beaten by those who have the upper hand. I feel the sting of bullets as everything I have known has been taken away. The way of life, the friendships, my parents, the respect, etc.. I feel my life slipping away as my eyes meet the eyes of those who suffer in silence or who have been silenced for the sake of Watchtower “image.” Is it over? Not as long as the instinct survives.

    It is the instinct the fight to protect your own that makes you who you are. The instinct fuels the rage, the blind charge against overwhelming odds that offers no other solution. Outrage that leadership of those who claim to worship God would allow the weak to suffer as disposable commodities. This instinct is what provides motivation to never stop charging those who perpetrate evil as long as there is the force of life in your body.

    So yes, there is a grief, a loss, a sadness, that is to be found in the eyes of those who suffer, the fear in the eyes of those who are afraid to fight, the coldness in the eyes of those who do not care, the ignorance in the eyes of those who do not understand, the pain in the eyes of those whose instinct forces them to fight to the death those who would harm their own.

  • VeniceIT

    BRAVO and Amen!!!!

    I greatly appreiciate your 'instinct' as you put it. I think it goes beyond that though, you have an incredible amount of compassion that is grossly lacking amongst many JW's and even some EXJW's. Some think that if it hasn't happend to you then why fight someoneses fight!!! I think that's the very reason to fight it, because they can't!!! So BROVO your a hero.

    Ven (ok I even made myself bit sick on that one hahahhahah)

    "The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong, is to let him have his own way."---Josh Billings

  • Naeblis

    Unfortunately, most witnesses probably view your actions as a misguided attempt to bring down the watchtower. They may even view you with contempt for taking a subject like child abuse and using it for your perceived ends. Personally, I don't care really if this embarasses the watchtower or hurts them, as long as it wakes them up perhaps and forces them to change the way they do things. Some things are more important then revenge or a need to see an organization that hurt us humiliated. I think your motives are pure and i respect what you're doing.

  • sf

    I am with "this" and you 100% Bill. I too, filled up with rage as I read this. I quelled the tears though, this time. I must now hear my anthem "Fight the Good Fight Everyday" by TRIUMPH.

    sKally, OUTrageD klass

  • teejay

    I saw it at the theater, the three days (<g>) it was here. The movie was savaged by critics and the viewing public, but it was/is a favorite of mine. Ethan Powell's (Hopkins) actions on behalf of dumb animals struck a chord with me.

    I recommended the movie to several others but none took me up on it. It's a good movie, with a good message. It doesn't surprise me that you would relate to it, Bill. It's your (and my) kind of movie. I teared up more than once.


  • Norm

    Hi Silentlambs,

    Among other things you said:

    It is the instinct the fight to protect your own that makes you who you are. The instinct fuels the rage, the blind charge against overwhelming odds that offers no other solution. Outrage that leadership of those who claim to worship God would allow the weak to suffer as disposable commodities. This instinct is what provides motivation to never stop charging those who perpetrate evil as long as there is the force of life in your body.

    So yes, there is a grief, a loss, a sadness, that is to be found in the eyes of those who suffer, the fear in the eyes of those who are afraid to fight, the coldness in the eyes of those who do not care, the ignorance in the eyes of those who do not understand, the pain in the eyes of those whose instinct forces them to fight to the death those who would harm their own.


    There is indeed much grief and a huge loss, having your whole social network ripped away from you, as many of us can testify to. You have got to have experienced this firsthand to know the pain it causes.

    It is however important that we do not forget that every individual has a personal responsiblity in such cases. Those who treat people like they do on the orders of the WTS have a personal responsibility. We know they are misguided, mislead and deceived but still they are personally responsible. It is very sad but true.

    Anyway, many people will no doubt be very grateful for what you have done so far and will continue to do. Again we have had a clear example of how one single persons actions DO matter. You have demonstrated clearly that we don't have to be many to accomplish something, one person can do it, or at least start it.

    Take care,


  • FriendlyFellaAL


    I want to applaud you for the work you are doing on the behalf of those who have no one to speak for them.

    When I first learned of your situation through this forum I was apalled. I related your experience to a family member who is still a witness and the reaction that I was met with was utter disbelief.

    Not disbelief that something like this was happening but disbelief that it had actually occurred. JW's are so blinded by the Ivory Watchtower that they can not see or comprehend something so completely amazing. I asked the person to whom I related the story whether or not they even believed that it was remotely possible for such a thing to occur and they assured me that it probably did but that it was for Jehovah to deal with.

    Guess that is the infamous Christian love in action!

  • worf

    Hi Silentlambs,
    Really enjoyed your post about instinct.I'm with you all the way and so are my brother and sister here in NY.
    "It takes only one person to start a revolution"


  • reagan_oconnor
    It is the instinct the fight to protect your own that makes you who you are.

    / \

    This defines my husband's feelings towards my family. They have effectively abandoned me as their child b/c I no longer subscribe to their religious beliefs. This has caused me much emotional pain and suffering. My husband sees the affect this has on me and hates them for it. He's a protector by nature; God have mercy on anyone who messes with me!


    I am the master of my fate/I am the captain of my soul.


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