My daughter (15) has been invited to go to a JW wedding reception with her boyfriend's family and she would like to know what to expect.
The ceremony is family only so she will just be going to the dinner/dance. Not sure whether she might be "lovebombed" or shunned (doesn't that sound like a fun evening??)
by ConcernedMom 5 Replies latest jw friends
Concerned it could be a fun reception for her and yes she could either be loved bombed or ignored as a worldly one.
I hope she doesn't fall for the love bombing and can just ignore the unfriendlyness and have some fun. Hey it's free punch and cake!
She could bring a prezzy too like CoC wrapped or Dr. Laura's book, The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands. Now that would be good!
franklin J long as she knows what to expect; she will not take any possible shunning personally.
I agree, she should go; partake; have fun....and leave.
Apparently, the groom wasn't baptised (not sure about the bride) and since the elders had been pushing him to get baptised before the wedding next month, they quietly got married at his parents house last night.
So...the big reception is off and a more casual one will be held at a later date.
Deb -
Good for them!!
concerned mama
Hi Concerned Mom,
I still can't get over the differences in situations for our daughters. Your daughter is actually invited to go somewhere with her JW bf and his family, and my daughter was never even invited over to her ex bf's house(in over 2 years). I guess the big difference is in how zealous the respective families are, and my daughter's ex is from a very hard core, zealous, multi-generational family.
The good part of all of this was that she got so upset with and tired of their unpleasantness, that it contributed to the breakup, and she is long over the boy (and all the JW drama that came with him). He was a nice kid.....but it was all too much. Thank goodness, she has moved on.
concerned mama