todays wt study

by zev 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • zev

    made me so sick, i had to leave. for those who dont know, the article is here....

    i made it to paragraph six and walked out. of course if i had been a good dub and studied, maybe i wouldn't have gone at all.

    temporary member -- the hurling class

    The greatest consistancy of the WTBTS is their INconsistancy.

  • blondie

    I noticed the phrase or version of it in almost every paragraph "God's backing." Are they trying to tell us something?

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Zev,

    I'm pleased that you wrote this topic, I had a similar desire.

    I've noticed in particular such points:

    w. 1.06.2001 p. 13-14 § 7 :

    7.What does it mean to teach only what is based on the Bible?

    Identifying Marks of Those Having God’s Backing

    °°°°"….They base their teachings on the Bible. "

    and on page 16 § 15 , this one :

    "Logically, to enjoy God’s backing, one must teach only what God re-veals in his Word and reject teachings based on human wisdom or tradition.—Isaiah 29:13; Matthew 15:3-9; Colossians 2:8"

    and even this one on page 16 § 15 :

    15, 16. (a) What questions will help us identi-fy the religious group that enjoys God’s back-ing?

    Time to Evaluate the Facts

    "Ask yourself, ‘What religious group is noted for sticking closely to God’s Word, even when its teachings differ from the beliefs of most people? "

    I thought : how can we accept such statements, when we compare
    what the WTS has written , more than 15 years ago:

    *** w86 4/1 31 Questions From Readers ***

    Approved association with Jehovah’s Witnesses

    requires accepting the entire range of the true

    teachings of the Bible, including those
    Scriptural beliefs that are unique to
    Jehovah’s Witnesses. "

    Yet, in the w. 1.1.2000 p.9 §15b, it was
    stated : " It is wrong to add to God's
    Word or to take anything away from it.-
    Deuteronomy 4:2; Revelation 22:18-19."

    Since 1986, most of us know that many
    " statements, teachings, opinions
    and views " published and taught by the
    WTS, all over the world have been :
    MODIFIED, CHANGED or even allowed to
    become …obsolete.

    Yet , and this even before
    the w. article of 1986, all such things were called
    " Scriptural beliefs that are
    are unique to Jehovah’s Witnesses. "
    I'm sure that for the readers of this forum here,
    There is no need for a …very long list of subjects.


  • gsark

    I wanted to leave early also.

    The speakers went on and on about 'based on God's word the bible'. They specifically mentioned: the trinity, the name jehovah, the soul, meeting/assembly, baptism, holidays, donations. Scriptures were used to back these up to the extent JW's ever do.

    My question, is: no mention of alternative service, the blood issue, the shunning issue, and the treatment of women and children. Is that because there are no scriptures to back these WT doctines up?

    A good point for JW wannabes. Catch 'em early.

    I noticed, too only one slight mention in passing of the 'organization'. That is true of the August study articles as well. It appears they might be toning down the 'mother organization' line, at least for public consumption.

    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

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