Question about this year's DCs

by ros 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • ros

    Have this year's JW DCs had any of the GB as speakers?
    Just curious.

  • gsark

    My DC 7/13 had brother Ted Jawrasc (sp)as concluding speaker and concluding prayer, Long Beach CA. only went sunday pm, don't know about the other days.

    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

  • ros

    The reason for my question is wondering just what is the roll of the Governing Body now? Or how are they perceived?
    We have known for a long time they don't write the Watchtower or participate in such mundane things as regular door-to-door. Until recently at least, they have made appearances at the district assemblies to hype up the rank-and-file with loyalty pep talks to generate enthusiam for selling the latest publications. Now that they have 'resigned' (been replaced) from the Watchtower corporation, just how are they perceived as fulfilling the role of the F&DS? Are they even speaking at District Assemblies any more?

    It seems with the reorganization of the organization, the central WT precept of a F&DS (or at least of that being the GB) may be another one of their infamous dogmas that is being religated to fade away into oblivian. Otherwise, what is the current role of the Governing Body?

  • expatbrit


    I suspect that the average JW views the gb in exactly the same way now as previous to their "retirement". There has been a lot of discussion amongst ex-jws about it, but the brief announcement in the wt will have skimmed off the conciousness of the rank and file as water from the ducks back. "Oh that's interesting, on to the nex article." Virtually none will really think about the meaning and consequences of the changes, because virtually none think.


  • MacHislopp

    Hello Ros,

    after extensive researches from the INTERPOL,
    here in Europe, news have been given that, an international cooperation with the FBI, will be launched soon to search...
    for the " gb "missing members.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

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