I am always looking for "nice" things to say to my witness family. Things that would at least make them try to think outside of their box. Here are my some of my favorites.
Right now my top favorite is "Tell me truly, honestly, the God of this Universe, Almighty in Power, Lord and Master of all, All knowing, Eternal, God of Gods, (yes, hammer that point), has picked the Jehovah's Witnesses, out of ALL people, and out of ALL religions, Worldwide, to represent him and his wishes, even though, the Jehovah's witnesses have been WRONG in the past, NOW, right now, if any person on this earth, ANY person on this earth, does not pay attention to the Jehovah's Witnesses, he or she will forever be destroyed at Armeggedon? Is that how you see it? Really?"
Another related line of reasoning is "So the witnesses are led by Jehovah God right? So why were they wrong about certain dates, and certain beliefs? Then they should respond with, well, they are just men and men make mistakes. Ask, does god make mistakes? No, of course not, then again, is God leading the Faithful and Discreet Slave? It is a circle. They could not make mistakes and be led by God both.
Then there is the one I like about God, if there is a God. "God created the Universe and everything in it, there is no doubt of that. But why does he permit so much wickedness and wrongdoing, and sickness and the like? Its simple. He is there, as much as we are to the ants. When its raining, do you run out and help the ants with their flooding? Of course not, and thats because they are so tiny and so many, that we just cant care about them all. So it is with God, we are just too tiny and insignificant to care about. Thats all."
Finally, there is the other one about why God permits wickedness and death. I dont have this story just right, but I have enough of it. "As America was developing, a man moved West to find peace. He moved to a new place out west, and built a home. People began to follow him, and soon there was a number of homes being constructed in his area. Roads began to develope to handle all the traffic Soon, the townspeople came together and formed a committee. The man whom first moved out there brought up an idea to the commitee, he said 'We should have an ambulance service, so that if there happens to be a car accident, we can provide help to the victims.' The committee denied any need of such a thing. So it was dismissed, no ambulance service. Later that week, the man whose idea it was to have the ambulance service witnessed an automoble smash into an older lady crossing the street. She laid there bleeding out on the icy cold road. The man did nothing but watch. Later, the townspeople and commitee asked of him, ' why dint you do ANYTHING to help her? You could have tried something?' He simply said, 'I was simply proving my point!' And so it is with God today, proving his point with our lives"
I did not make these up, I take no credit, I am sharing them as others have shared with me....