TGIF -- Thank Goodness I'm Free

by MerryMagdalene 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • MerryMagdalene

    What freedom are you thankful for tonight and what are you doing with it?

    I remember a whole lotta Friday nights spent at the Hall having the "same old same old" drilled into my skull, listening for something they could never say, waiting for something that would never come, wondering where the spirit of life and light and love was that I so longed to tap into... or sometimes just wishing I could be out walking under the stars or be home watching a crappy tv show. So tonight I am thankful I am free to do with my Friday nights (and all my days and nights) what I will, free of guilt and anxiety and spiritual starvation, and I am here enjoying good company while sporadically playing hide and seek with my young daughter who would be thankful that she is not required to sit down and shut up for long, meaningless blocks of time if she had ever been exposed to it, and I'm thankful she hasn't.

    What about you?

  • Leolaia

    I am happy to be free to think freely and not worry about thinking wrong thoughts.

  • Mac

    I'm thankful to Sir Guiness and all the gentle folk that made this posible.........

  • Mac

    sumbuddy needs spellcheck..and I'm not saying who.....

  • JustTickledPink

    I think freedom to enjoy HAPPINESS. That I don't have to wait until some imaginary "new system" comes along.. or doesn't... I actually can enjoy life and be happy today.

  • freedom96

    To be free from a cult, to be able to think for oneself.......... that is wonderful, and I enjoy every moment of it.

  • zealofjehu

    i am thankful for the ability to think for my self and the courage to be able to stand up for what is right even at the cost of every thing i love

  • Gill

    It's Sunday morning and I'm not shouting at the kids and hubby to get ready for the meeting. We are relaxed, lazing about and enjoying just being alive. I'll make their Sunday dinner, take them out on their bikes, watch Columbo this afternoon. Ah! Freedom from hearing about the end of the system and what God will do to everyone who doesn't obey him, or rather the WTBTS.

    Freedom.....I'll never take it for granted after 'Forty years a Watchtower Slave'!

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