I'm not sure what you're trying to say, but, this is just plain bull crap
The notion that you had to believe in Jesus or you were going to hell never appeared in the Bible until between A.D. 780 to 800. It appeared when the papacy was being passed around amoung the last of the Roman nobles and the western branch of Christianity was close to extinction. The best-known forgery in the New Testament. Likewise, a translation error is "Thou shalt not kill." The proper translation from the Old Testament would be "Thou shalt not murder."
R.E. Griffey, Farmers Branch
Justin Martyr died around 165 ad
The First Apology of Justin.
?But since sensation remains to all who have ever lived, and eternal punishment is laid up (i.e., for the wicked), see that ye neglect not to be convinced, and to hold as your belief, that these things are true.?
?And if you also read these words in a hostile spirit, ye can do no more, as I said before, than kill us; which indeed does no harm to us, but to you and all who unjustly hate us, and do not repent, brings eternal punishment by fire.?
The Second Apology of Justin for the Christians.
Chap. IX. ? Eternal Punishment Not a Mere Threat.
And that no one may say what is said by those who are deemed philosophers, that our assertions that the wicked are punished in eternal fire are big words and bugbears, and that we wish men to live virtuously through fear, and not because such a life is good and pleasant; I will briefly reply to this, that if this be not so, God does not exist; or, if He exists, He cares not for men, and neither virtue nor vice is anything, and, as we said before, lawgivers unjustly punish those who transgress good commandments.
Irenaeus Died around 200AD
Irenaeus Against Heresies.
Book V.
Chap. XXVII. ? The Future Judgment by Christ. Communion with and Separation from the Divine Being. The Eternal Punishment of Unbelievers.
Par. 2
2. And to as many as continue in their love towards God, does He grant communion with Him. But communion with God is life and light, and the enjoyment of all the benefits which He has in store. But on as many as, according to their own choice, depart from God. He inflicts that separation from Himself which they have chosen of their own accord. But separation from God is death, and separation from light is darkness; and separation from God consists in the loss of all the benefits which He has in store. Those, therefore, who cast away by apostasy these forementioned things, being in fact destitute of all good, do experience every kind of punishment. God, however, does not punish them immediately of Himself, but that punishment falls upon them because they are destitute of all that is good. Now, good things are eternal and without end with God, and therefore the loss of these is also eternal and never-ending. It is in this matter just as occurs in the case of a flood of light: those who have blinded themselves, or have been blinded by others, are for ever deprived of the enjoyment of light. It is not, [however], that the light has inflicted upon them the penalty of blindness, but it is that the blindness itself has brought calamity upon them: and therefore the Lord declared, ?He that believeth in Me is not condemned,? (Joh_3:18, Joh_3:21) that is, is not separated from God, for he is united to God through faith. On the other hand, He says, ?He that believeth not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only-begotten Son of God;? that is, he separated himself from God of his own accord. ?For this is the condemnation, that light is come into this world, and men have loved darkness rather than light. For every one who doeth evil hateth the light, and cometh not to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that he has wrought them in God.?
My point is that the hell doctrine was taught in the early church.
D Dog