Well - there seems to be so much pondering about what the future holds for Dubism - Armageddon dates prophesied? Been there, failed to fulfill that - don't think another one would be appropriate - laughable yes, but not appropriate. How about a re-hash of ancient WT literature? It's been done before I know - and I would recommend 'quotes.Watchtower.Org' to everyone.
SO - I am thinking (nasty habit I developed after leaving Org) the WTBTS COULD release a new (and I mean NEW) publication to keep the Rank and File keen and give them a purpose (in respect of the very-soon -Armageddon- which- hasn't -got -a -fixed date) for after this event - because THAT is their goal.
The WTBTS proudly introduces, ''Resurrected - 100 Searching Questions'' (it's all Bible-based you know - and a bit like the Youth book, i.e., written by people out of touch with either)
1) I have just been resurrected - am I ok to marry, or is it necrophilia?
Well - In the Bible, I believe, the resurrected are ''just as the angels'' - NOW this could mean cannot marry, or be given in marriage OR it could mean that wings can get in the way of a 'normal' relationship. So - can flip-flop on that later.