Thank you for your replies, but I still wonder if anybody can scan this series of articles for me today as I want to strat typing the letter I mentioned to our past friends. If you cannot scan it on here you can e-mail it to me at [email protected].
Still need December 2004 scan of Awake about friends
by littlemike 6 Replies latest jw friends
I have e-mailed article for you...hope that it helps somehow!
Personally, I just can't bring myself to read it
I have just finished reading Dan Browns Angels and Demons....brilliant!
Hello to everyone!
Oh my ! I?ve just quickly glanced at the article and noticed some timely advice for me??. P5. 1 st Para. ??.But avoid passively allowing TV, movies and novels to clog your mind and emotions with fantasy. The relationships usually portrayed on the screen are not real life, not real friendships, but the product of someone?s imagination.? I really needed to know that???????.Dohhhhh!
Thank you Jackie 123 and Latte
Received the scans. I will let you know how my story goes
Sorry also thank you almost an athiest
Out of interest can anybody tell me why although I posted this message on the friends section it isnt showing up on my computer. it only shows up on the active topics section.
What amazes me is that the WTS publishes articles all the time portraying fantasy congregations where people lurve each other and helps each other all da time!! Pictures of families eating where the kids are not squabbling or kicking each other under the table. Women who find fulfilment in baking pies and puddings for the old ones. Honest hearted ones who rejoice to be sitting agian for seven hours at an assembly.
No one ever put their hand up and said "from what I have seen this is all just fantasy and baloney" - I knew a pioneer girl whose mother died and she said no one in the congo even sent her a card.
I know when Mom died, I didn't get a card or even a visit from those 'loving (TM)' elders. I was just villified as "weak" because I missed too many Christian Meetings.
No one invites me to anything. But for my WORDLING friends I would be almost suicidally lonely. The dubs say it is my own fault.