I'm at Starbucks today and nearby are three very cute, very intelligent-looking teenage girls, maybe 16 or 17 years old. They have their Bibles out (I live in hick-ville, what can I say?). One girl was saying:
"So I'm just driving and praying to God, my eyes are all watery, "God, give me a sign, please!" And then I get off the freeway and I look and the first road sign says "Clearwater." Then I drive by a car wash. And I realize, wow, God wants me to be cleansed. Then I drive by another road, Vista Way. Oh, I think, that means I should go "this way!" (Because Vista sounds like "this"? I don't get it!) And so I turn back and go down Vista Way and pass a sign that says "40 nights". So I finally got it: God wants me to be cleansed for 40 nights."
Wow. I don't think I've ever heard such intrepid logic in my life!! :roll: I was just sitting there doing my best not to laugh hysterically.