Has anyone visited www.bibletruths.com?
by sun_dae 1 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome Sun.
"Bibletruths", sounds oxymoronic.
No where have i found a more diminutive and unsavory interpretation of God, than in the Bible. Sadly, many blindly accept it as Holy. If the damn thing said God was a Rhode island rutabaga, they'd believe it without question. How -- I often wonder -- can we dwell in awe of such an infinite and wondrous universe and yet continue to embrace such a tiny and silly idea of God as portrayed in the Bible? Could it be that we so greatly identify with our religious beliefs that it would be like death to forsake our tiny god(s)?
I admire those who honestly seek truth, yet it disheartens me to no end to see so many, so easily embrace man-made stories and beliefs for something real and substantial (truth).
So afraid are we to abandoned our cherish Bibles; yet I doubt there is much harm in refusing to continue to belittle God....and it may even facilitate discovery of what is true.