Tomorrow I am puttting up some items from a 4th generation Jehovah's Witness family that I've known for years. There are some pretty interesting items, and next week or so I'll be putting up some Informants, mags from the 20s, 30s and 40s, etc. but one thing caught my eye as I was reading The Messenger of Aug. 12, 1946. Description:
This is a large, newsletter-style report measuring 11 1/2 X 17 inches and 48 pages filled with pictures of the convention and many stories and anecdotes, as well as many Bethel buildings and branch offices. Includes an interview with H. C. Covington (Society's lawyer), An article about Knorr releasing the new Awake! magazine for the first time. On page 11 an article entitled, "Knorr Sounds Assembly Keynote - Twenty-Six Year old Prophecy Foretells Course on United Nations."
In the article it says, "Conventioners recalled that at previous assemblies the presidential keynote address generally highlighted policy-making new truths as flashed from God's temple; and so it at 3:30 p. m. when President Knorr, who was introduced by Grant Suiter, commenced his keenly awaited discourse."
Calling the League of Nations a "Nazi-Fascist religious conspiracy," Knorr said, "When the hordes of the anti-typical Assyrian finally overspread the earth under the world conspiracy (aka the United Nations), and when the flood of their totalitarian regimentation seems to reach up even up to the neck with the threat of destruction to all those not yielding, be firm and immovable for the everlasting kingdom of Jewhovah's covenant with his anointed 'son of David,' Christ Jesus."
Lots of anti United Nations sentiment, which is interesting considering their recent joining of the United Nations as an Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) and then secretly resigning when they were caught with thier pants down (see
This Report is part of a collection from a 4th generation Witness and has been kept in very good condition, with no visible flaws or writings in it, and the paper is not too yellowed, and is not brittle at all. No cracks in the pages at hinges or fold points. A great collectors item that should be scanned and word-processed.
The link: