Knorr's talk against the United Nations - ebay item up tomorrow

by Dogpatch 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    Tomorrow I am puttting up some items from a 4th generation Jehovah's Witness family that I've known for years. There are some pretty interesting items, and next week or so I'll be putting up some Informants, mags from the 20s, 30s and 40s, etc. but one thing caught my eye as I was reading The Messenger of Aug. 12, 1946. Description:

    This is a large, newsletter-style report measuring 11 1/2 X 17 inches and 48 pages filled with pictures of the convention and many stories and anecdotes, as well as many Bethel buildings and branch offices. Includes an interview with H. C. Covington (Society's lawyer), An article about Knorr releasing the new Awake! magazine for the first time. On page 11 an article entitled, "Knorr Sounds Assembly Keynote - Twenty-Six Year old Prophecy Foretells Course on United Nations."

    In the article it says, "Conventioners recalled that at previous assemblies the presidential keynote address generally highlighted policy-making new truths as flashed from God's temple; and so it at 3:30 p. m. when President Knorr, who was introduced by Grant Suiter, commenced his keenly awaited discourse."

    Calling the League of Nations a "Nazi-Fascist religious conspiracy," Knorr said, "When the hordes of the anti-typical Assyrian finally overspread the earth under the world conspiracy (aka the United Nations), and when the flood of their totalitarian regimentation seems to reach up even up to the neck with the threat of destruction to all those not yielding, be firm and immovable for the everlasting kingdom of Jewhovah's covenant with his anointed 'son of David,' Christ Jesus."

    Lots of anti United Nations sentiment, which is interesting considering their recent joining of the United Nations as an Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) and then secretly resigning when they were caught with thier pants down (see

    This Report is part of a collection from a 4th generation Witness and has been kept in very good condition, with no visible flaws or writings in it, and the paper is not too yellowed, and is not brittle at all. No cracks in the pages at hinges or fold points. A great collectors item that should be scanned and word-processed.

    The link:


  • seeitallclearlynow

    Sounds good, Randy! I'm sure a few have their eye on this auction already and want to keep it to themselves!

  • Leolaia

    The link doesn't work and I can't find it with their search utility.

  • one

    Lots of anti United Nations sentiment, which is interesting considering their recent joining of the United Nations as an Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) and then secretly resigning when they were caught with thier pants down (see

    Some do not see the "joining" as of any importance, to me it is like joining the Catholic Church just to be able to use a library at the Vatican... or visiting a drug dealer you dont like just because he has some facilities at her/his home that you and your family can somehow benefit from.....

    In that regar At

    i posted : "

    More things to consider,

    To me it seem that this contract (association with the UN) was a secretive one, not even reviewd by the legal dpt, who are real loyal jw lawyers who could raise a red flag..

    WT lawyers have won most cases, they are not stupid.

    The UN accepted an NGO (WT) without questioning... many UN country members knew about all the WT negative publishing about the UN. All of sudden they find WT wants to be "frendly" to the UN and say "welcome"...

    Hard to swallow, now they want to be friendly to a "disgusting thing", every year they signed a contract to promote the derty thing .they even spected an attack from the UN.

    A typical stupidy is not planned and kept secret for so long, for 10 years they could not realize the stupidity? as Alan mentioned: "I contacted several Watchtower officials to get their take on the situation. None of them had ever heard of the Society's Associated NGO status, and were actually shocked to hear of it"

    They kept the card specially after the internet made available more info that could be used to write Awake. BTW imo awake is being reduced to a monthly publication becasue the internet makes available a ton of info, awake pales in comparison.

    Back to the association WT knew it was a public record so to speak, and for 10 years they exposed themselves, taking the risk to be found riding the beast just like the whore they graphically showed so many time in bed with the UN... it was more than stupidity but a calculated risk, which they though could hardly be invetisgated and exposed as it has been done (by 1992 the internet did not exist as known today) At least the WT in the past had always discarded hi negative publicity against them

    One more question, what is the WT "attendance record" to UN "mettings" ?

    Waht has been the WTT participations in one way or another since they became associated . ?

    How many WT "researches" actually visited the UN library? Were just a few secretive "researchers"? Did they (wt reasearchers) actually write anything as a result?

    Does the UN keep record of the cards? (i mean when and how they were utilized.)

    More facts need to be revealed to properly answer the question presented initially on this thread." does anyone know the reason they joined to start with?"

    I will give the WT the benefit of a doubt (not for the use of the card), (curiosity kills the cat?) if they became interested in knowing what was going on inside the UN by networking as NGO somehow. As a "secret" plan to destroy religion was not going to be discussed in a "public" metting in front of NGO.

    Take the above for the sake of discussion if you will, remember the WT took very seriously the UN in "god's plan"... a prominent key element, how could they IGNORE it?.

    Since 1975 did not do any good, so if you can't win join them...

  • seeitallclearlynow

    I sure wonder if some very serious collector made him an offer he couldn't refuse! I kind of hope so - Randy deserves a good deal!

  • Poztate
    No cracks in the pages at hinges or fold points.

    No cracks in the pages...only in the doctrines.

    You should send a copy of this to WT headquarters...oops forgot they are already spying.

    The WT might pay a good price just to be able to destroy the evidence.

    Hope you get a good price.

  • nicolaou

    This is what I get;

    Invalid Item

    This listing (6946274638) has been removed by eBay or is no longer available. Please make sure that you've entered the item number correctly.
    If the item was removed by eBay, please consider this transaction canceled.


  • Aude_Sapere
    This is what I get;

    Invalid Item

    This listing (6946274638) has been removed by eBay or is no longer available. Please make sure that you've entered the item number correctly.
    If the item was removed by eBay, please consider this transaction canceled.


    I think it doesn't go up until tomorrow (Wednesday). It's still Tuesday evening in California. -Aude.

  • Dogpatch

    It just started.

    15 more items to start in 10 minutes by ********\


    Net Soup!

  • Dogpatch

    try this:

    also asnother interesting item:

    See if those links work, the other apparently changed once the auction started?

    Sheesh! If not, just go to and use the search word "watchtower" and they are all on page 9 at the moment.


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