spanked, beat, whatever at kingdom halls? still in the washroom or do they now have rooms that children can be disciplined in? is the wooden spoon old light?
are young children still being
by tenrats 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Welcome tenrats, I don't believe I've ever said hi, so hi!
As to the wooden spoon, I do fear that is old light. The wooden spoon was replaced, even in my not-so-long-ago era, by a leather belt (used only after the appropriate scripture was read - by me! - to justify my getting "spanked"), the open-handed slap (good for when you're just really angry and don't want to waste time pretending the scriptures are behind your "discipline") and the good-ol "just scream at the kid for hours, that'll show her how to handle problems when she's grown up!" But perhaps the wooden spoon is still in use in some old, not so progressive homes. Actually, I think the only reason it went out of style chez moi was b/c my dad broke it over my sister's butt. Or, wait, no that was the wooden cutting board....
No, I'm sorry, I think they save the heavy artillary for home or at least in the stall in the bathrooms.
One sister used to beat the hell out of her kids with this spatual she used to bring. It was so ridiculous that several of the sisters started hiding her spatula.
Another sister used to hit her little boy on top of the head really hard. with the binding side of her publications. Then she'd take him out and beat him. I remeber once the bookstudy conductor during the middle of the bookstudy sending another sister to tell her that was enough.
Last time I can remember (middle-nineties), yes there was the kind of beating that made kids cry right in the KH. Except I was in an interesting congregation, we had a mix of rich "liberals" (what you might call JW moderate) and poorer "conservatives" (the kind that would beat their kids). Really sad.
I can say that spanking in the WTS has changed as it has changed in the outside community. Less spanking over all but still some "old-fashioned" diehards. Also in many countires, spanking children is against the law, as in Germany and Sweden. WT publications that mentioned spanking in those countries had to be edited and reprinted.
*** g93 2/8 p. 11 An End to Domestic Violence ***
discipline to children: In the Bible the Greek word translated "discipline" means "educate." Therefore, the goal of discipline is primarily, not to cause pain, but to train. Much of this can be accomplished without spanking, though that may be necessary at times. (Proverbs 13:24) The Bible says: "Listen to discipline and become wise." (Proverbs 8:33) Too, Paul wrote that one should keep oneself "restrained under evil," administering reproof with "long-suffering." (2 Timothy 2:24; 4:2) This rules out angry outbursts and excessive force even when spanking is needed.*** g92 9/8 p. 27 "The Rod of Discipline"?Is It Out-of-Date? ***
The book Outgrowing the Pain: A Book for and About Adults Abused as Children cautions: "Spanking can become child abuse when it is done in an out-of-control way, with enough force to leave injuries. Using instruments to hit, spanking with a closed fist, hitting very young children, and hitting in vulnerable areas (face, head, stomach, back, genitals) can increase the likelihood of corporal punishment becoming child abuse."
blondie...good points are like an encyclopedia!!!
I remember well my younger days of being taken into the toilets and well as memories of others who suffered the same; funny how most halls throughout the world mirror each other.