Please: Force Them Into Repudiation on Df'ing!

by metatron 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Now, it may be that the Society is partly on the defensive in regard to using disfellowshipping to break up families.

    They may be faced with future legal troubles and lawsuits in Europe and other nations. They might be faced with

    losing tax exemptions and legal recognition.

    On the other hand, they may be trying to 'softpedal' the whole subject by the new announcement that "so and so

    is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses".( new Org book)

    The critical response should be - Don't Let Them Get Away With This!

    Keep their feet to the fire! Keep quoting their own statements about what these announcements really mean.

    If they are feeling the heat, now is not the time to let up - especially when dealing with legal authorities.

    If they really want to change for the better, force them to repudiate what they've said about how the

    disfellowshipped are to be treated. Make them put it in print!

    Nothing less will do.


  • rebel8


    I think you are on the right track. People have been raising questions for years as to the legality and feasibility of suing the JWs for their DF/DA practices, but no actions are viable.

    I think the place this issue needs to be "tried" is in the "courts of public opinion", ie, the media! One of the most disturbing things about JWs is the DF/DA practice. People tend to peg them as nuts when they learn about that practice; it really turns them off.

  • czarofmischief

    Religion in America is still free to do as it pleases, pretty much. Regrettable results, but taking away the freedom will not solve the problem and will only create new ones. No, the only way to overcome disfellowshipping is to force change from within; by demanding that our former friends and family accept our new decision and not impose any unnecessary social penalties.

    But many of us no longer wish to deal with the JW bull, and therefore have moved on.


  • iiz2cool
    But many of us no longer wish to deal with the JW bull, and therefore have moved on.

    Yeah, that's me. As long as they shun me I don't have to listen to their lies, cult propaganda, and self-righteous bullshit. For the most part they treated me like crap the entire 20 years I was a JW, so I don't feel any obligation to enlighten them about how badly they're misled. Nor do I want to associate with people who willingly, even eagerly, withdraw their love and friendship just because some corporation tells them to. Let them waste their fucked up lives!


  • Mary
    People have been raising questions for years as to the legality and feasibility of suing the JWs for their DF/DA practices, but no actions are viable.

    The laws definitely need to be changed. When a husband and wife divorce (assuming it's ammicable), neither one of them have the legal right to prevent the other parent from speaking to the child, yet this is exactly what the courts are allowing the Witnesses to get away with, all in the name of "religion".

    The family bond is a basic need of all humans and to deliberately cut someone off from their own flesh and blood for not going along with every single thing a religion teaches is no different than if these ones had the power to deny you other basics of life like food, clothing and shelter. There needs to be an amendment to the laws that prevents any religion from being allowed to do this as it is tearing apart the very fabric of what we are. It absolutely sickens me that this religion can cut you off from your own flesh and blood without a moments hesitation and the law backs them up. No wonder so many get depressed after they leave. Well, the way the Organization is going, they'll end up being the ones to cause the amendment if it happens. Their refusal to ever admit that they've been wrong about anything is absolutely disgusting and they'll end up hanging themselves. Of course, they'll announce that it's just Satan persecuting them, but that's about all we'd expect from them isn't it?

  • loveis

    Well, if Barbara Anderson has her way a start will be made, since she is asking a court of law to basically declare DF to be an unlawful (civilly actionable) act, at least under certain circumstances.

    But that will certainly be an uphill battle, to say the least.

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