Now, it may be that the Society is partly on the defensive in regard to using disfellowshipping to break up families.
They may be faced with future legal troubles and lawsuits in Europe and other nations. They might be faced with
losing tax exemptions and legal recognition.
On the other hand, they may be trying to 'softpedal' the whole subject by the new announcement that "so and so
is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses".( new Org book)
The critical response should be - Don't Let Them Get Away With This!
Keep their feet to the fire! Keep quoting their own statements about what these announcements really mean.
If they are feeling the heat, now is not the time to let up - especially when dealing with legal authorities.
If they really want to change for the better, force them to repudiate what they've said about how the
disfellowshipped are to be treated. Make them put it in print!
Nothing less will do.