Just got back from my birthday dinner.

by Undecided 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    My family took me out to dinner for my birthday(69th) and it was really great. I could feel the love they had for me. It made me feel like I was appreciated and my life wasn't wasted. Sometimes you need this to uplift your spirit and keep you going at my age. I don't understand why it is so degraded by the borg. There was no worship or pagan ritual involved, just love being expressed by the family, why would God not like this???

    Ken P.

  • kj

    My thoughts exactly! Birthday celebrations are about letting someone know you love them and you're happy to have had them around for another year. Glad you enjoyed yourself- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  • simplesally

    My dad thought birthday parties were useless once you over your teens. He said he didn't need any presents or hoopla. When his wife explained the party was not for him but everyone else.......it was everyone else who was glad he lived another year, that they still share life with him. Then he 'got it'.......

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    i totally agree. why the hell shouldn't we celebrate another year of life, another year of being with people we love? it doesn't have to be extravagant, it doesn't have to be a gift-giving contest... it's just about getting together. this is one area i will argue tooth and nail over with any jdub at any time, in any location. just because it's not COMMANDED in the bible, doesn't make it wrong. just because two people got murdered on a particular day, doesn't make THE DAY wrong. it makes MURDER WRONG. murder is bad. death is not good. so lets celebrate our lives everyday... particularly on the anniversary of our birth


  • Aude_Sapere

    Happy Birthday, Ken!


  • diamondblue1974

    Happy Birthday to you...birthdays are still very bizarre for me because of my upbringing; no doubt like me you are glad to be free...hope you have many more happy birthdays to come.

    Hope to see you round.

  • Been there
    Been there

    Happy Birthday Ken

  • frenchbabyface

    Well happy birthday !

  • blondie

    Happy birthday, Ken.

    So does the family have a big blowout planned for your 70th?

    Love, Blondie

  • clementine

    Happy birthday to you!!!!!

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