The left behind series of books I have found to be a great read.These are written by Dr.Tim LaHaye and JerryB.Jenkins.They are fiction to the point that they have characters and fictional situations.However I cannot help but feel that theyre discription and interpretation of Revelation and the 144,000 may be correct.
In their series they feature a rapture of all the faithful saints before any of the other signs(horsemen)start.The writing is fantastic and filled with action and drama.
There are 12 books in the series,all guaranteed to be the best fiction an ex jw could ask for.However, they showcase the 144,000 as being the orthadox jews that convert to christ after the great tribulation has already begun.This was achieved by first 2 witnesses sent by Christ to preach at the wailing wall in Israel.These 2 spread a message that sounds true in the hearts of hundreds and thousands of orthadox jews that come to listen to them as they are able to kill would be snipers and those trying to do them harm with just a look or fire from their mouths.
Is it possible to believe that the 144,000 will be chosen after the beginning of the start of the end?I for one see it as possible.Anyway these books are a must read for those who want to relax and enjoy a good story.If they do not make you think then you are an athiest.They discribe (fiction) the anti christ and a group of charachters that know his identity when the rest of the population are unaware.
Anyone who has read the series as well please comment on your feelings of 144,000,and if you thought it was a very good read.