I am not one to point a finger when it comes to people who are overwieght. I believe I heard recently that obesity is one of North Americans biggest health concerns.
I now of many many in the organization that are fleshy. Some of it is self inflicted because they don't know when to put their fork down. Others is heiratory. Others metabolic. On the maternal side of our family we come from stock that for the most part being under 300 ibs was a miracle. I have a wonderful uncle in Florida he weighs 500 pounds. My great uncles and aunts were also huge persons. My grandma was as is my aunt, and two of my sisters. One of my sisters eats herself to oblivian and she is a witness. Go figure. The Society will never disfellowship anyone for being over wieght because so many of the brothers are rotound. Just look at a summer convention and see how many have wieght problems. Even person under undue stress can become obese.
I too am heavy but I am not a glutton or pig like some persons have infered. Are you reading this Martin.??
I must admitt if WTS did disfellowship obese persons like they do for fornicators adulterers, liars , thieves etc etc. then a big precentage of witnesses wouldn't exist. They lose half their population. In fact in certain countries in Africa the more obese a persson is the more they are desired and loved. They are equated with the majesty of the elephant. So cultural and eviromment plays a part in assessing those who would be disfellowshipped for gluttony.
Persons with wieght problems are more dispossed to sickness, high blood pressure, heart problems, strokes and diabetes. As it difficult for the metabolism in some individuals
Wether a person is fat or skinny makess no difference to me because God made all things small and large in both humans and in the animal kingdom.
Love orangefatcat.