??? Radiometric Dating Bias ???
Evolution in Chaos
The first radiometric dates of Richard Leakey's skull 1470 found in Ethiopia had a date of 221 million years. This was considered an impossible date since man was not supposed to have evolved until around 2-3 million years ago. They therefore threw the date out.
Fitch and Miller of Cambridge University were given some fresh rock samples, and their tests ranged from 2.4 to 2.6 million years, which Leakey agreed to. A paleontologist named Cooke did not agree with it, however, because of his previous work on fossil pigs in the area.
A man named Curtiss of the University of California at Berkeley performed some radiometric tests and announced a date of 1.8 million years. Leaky rejected his date because he wanted his fossil to be the oldest human fossil ever found.
Fitch and Miller meanwhile declared they could not have been wrong, so they took more samples to Cambridge to have them tested. Their samples revealed ages from 290,000 to 19.5 million years. Needless to say, even Fitch and Miller rejected these ages.
Today, a date of about 2 million years has been somewhat accepted for skull 1470. The public, however, is led to believe that this is a firm and exact date, as they believe all radiometric dates are. Little do they realize that all radiometric dates are based ultimately on index fossils and what paleontologists think the age should be based on evolutionary assumptions. Reports abound revealing seriously discordant radiometric dates that make the whole system suspect.